US Secretary of Health: Pfizer Vaccine Distribution Starts Next Week, to Pharmacies Shortly After

Now that’s it’s been given the ‘okay’ from the FDA, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will begin being distributed next week, and it won’t be long before pharmacies get it too.

Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine laid out a possible timetable for distribution during a recent press briefing, “The Pfizer vaccine would be first distributed to hospitals, such as Geisinger Health System and Penn State Health System, where they’ll be immunizing their health care workers very broadly.”

Dr. Levine says about a week later, the Moderna vaccine should be approved and ready for distribution, “At that time, we also anticipate the Pfizer vaccine will also be distributed through our pharmacy partners at CVS and Walgreens to nursing home and other long-term care living facilities through the end of December and into January.”

There have also been reports the CDC wants to collect personal information about people and use that data on the vaccine.

But Dr. Levine says identifiable information won’t be given away by Pennsylvania, “So they’re not going to know exactly who a person is, or their exact address, but they are gathering demographic information so they can understand who responds to the vaccine best, which might have particular issues with it. This is not a new process; we work with the CDC all the time on many diseases.”

Dr. Levine has previously mentioned the rest of the public is part of the third phase of vaccine distribution.

Source: Websites


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