Parliament :US classification of whoover opposes to it is part of its arrogance

The Parliament on Tuesday condemned the US State Department’s statement on the current US administration’s intention to classify Ansaruallah as a terrorist group.

This trend is a reflection of its current’s crisis, with the aim of exacerbating Yemeni people’s suffering in light of the six-year siege imposed on them, the Parliament explained.

The Parliament considered the current US administration’s classification of whoover oppose it as terrorists a part of its hegemony and arrogance over the world.

These policies and trends come within the framework of pressuring Arab states and peoples to submit to the Zionist conspiracy as part of the scramble for normalization with the Zionist entity, the statement added.

The Parliament confirmed its full support for the army, security and Ansaruallah against all plots targeting Yemen’s land and people, calling on the parliaments of the world to reject such approaches that do not serve the peace process and do not lead to any results.

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