Palestinian youth shot by Zionist enemy in Nablus

A Palestinian youth was wounded on On Friday evening, by bullets from the Zionist forces in the town of Qusra, southeast of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

Palestinian sources reported that a Zionist force had shot Awad Allah Shehadeh Odeh, 35, while he was in the east of the town.

The townspeople rushed to rescue the wounded man, but the enemy soldiers arrested him and transported him by an Israeli ambulance to the “Blenson” hospital in the occupied territories in the year 48.

Family sources confirmed that Odeh was hit by several bullets in the groin and foot, according to eyewitnesses, without providing detailed information from medical sources.

Earlier, the enemy forces arrested a citizen and wounded dozens during clashes between Palestinians and enemy forces in the village of Tuwani, south of Hebron, in the south of the occupied West Bank.

The coordinator of the Committee for the Protection and Resilience of the Mountains of South Hebron and the traveler of Yatta, Fuad Al-Amor, stated that the enemy forces had suppressed a march of citizens to protest against the enemy’s violations in the village, which resulted in the suffocation of dozens of citizens, and the arrest of Hajj Suleiman al-Hathalin.

Source: Agencies.

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