Lebanese Political Activist Anis Al-Naqqash Passes Away from Coronavirus

Lebanese political activists Anis Al-Naqqash died on Monday after battling COVID-19 for several days, Lebanese media reported.

The activists, who has been known for his Arabism and revolutionary sense, passed away after being in critical condition for several days at a hospital in Damascus, suffering complications related to coronavirus infection.

Al-Naqqash’s body will be transferred from the Syrian capital to Beirut on Tuesday for funeral, according to Lebanese media.

Born on 1951, Al-Naqqash joined the ranks of Fatah movement in 1968. He was tasked with several missions in Lebanon, occupied territories and Europe as well. He played vital role in coordination between Palestinian revolution and revolution in Iran.

Al-Naqqash was among the first operatives who formed the Lebanese resistance against Israeli occupation in 1978. He witnessed the Lebanese civil war and documented its behind-the-scenes events.

In 1980, he was accused for being involved in a failed assassination attempt on the last Prime Minister of Iran under Pahlavi monarchy, Shapour Bakhtiar, in a court in Paris and was sentenced to life in prison. Al-Naqqash was freed on 27 July 1990, after being pardoned by President François Mitterrand.

He is well known for being a pro-resistance political analyst who opposes Western-backed Arab regimes. In the last years, he had run Beirut-based Al-Aman Network for Studies and Researches.

Source: Al-Manar English Website


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