Achievements and attitudes during the life of the martyr president Saleh Al-Sammad

The Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad was born on January 1, 1979 in Bani Muadh, Sahar district, Saada governorate. He graduated from Sana’a University and worked as a teacher in Saada schools.

Al-Sammad was taught religious sciences by distinguished religion scientists in Yemen, including Sayyed. Badr al-Din al-Houthi, through whom he was related to his son, Sayyed. Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi .He also held the position of advisor to the President of the Republic on behalf of Ansarollah on 9/24/2014.

He became well-known in Saada third war when he established a resistance front in Bani Muadh to ease the military pressure on Maran, Nishur and Dhahyan, and led fierce confrontations in the areas near Saada city.

His house and farms was destroyed by the air strikes of the warplanes ,and two of his brothers fell martyred during the unjust war on Saada, and tank and cannons shells followed him to every barricade and cliff with the aim of killing him.

In 2015, it was agreed upon him as the head of the Supreme Political Council and led the battle to defend Yemen. He played a remarkable role by managing the capabilities and efforts of the honorable people of Yemen in the battle to defend Yemen during the most difficult circumstances in the face of the aggression coalition. Though, it possesses huge potential in terms of money, weapons and information, in addition to having strange influence over many countries and the United Nations.

Perhaps martyrdom that most expresses his characteristics that came in a speech by Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi. Based on his faith and sincere religious commitment, the martyr bears the responsibility during the most difficult and dangerous circumstances, as he understood and was aware of the enemies’ need to kill him . He did not shirk responsibility, placing the honor of sacrificing his life in his mind, and he was never late in being where he should be as a command of the battle of defense and steadfastness.

When he was at the top of the hierarchy of power, which he did not see as a trophy and there was no way but to fulfill the truth ,he was close to the citizens and heard their suffering and solve their problems. Even at the level of Facebook posts, he used to follow them and direct to address the issues raised there.

Many analysts, including the retired brigadier general and Lebanese military analyst Charles Abi Nader, confirm that he, compared to the rulers and presidents who preceded him in office, who used the position to accumulate financial assets and own real estate and investments, he lived as an honorable and poor ascetic and was always close to people’s worries and suffering. He was killed in one of the devastated slums.

His ability to run the battle in the field

He was respected and appreciated by all political parties and national forces that will not forget his efforts to unify the home front and manage the country’s affairs with skill and competence, as well as his distinction of correctness in his planning, goals and all orientations, through an eye on the fronts and the development of military industries and others on the lives of citizens and state institutions.

His field trips were always in the most dangerous locations and fronts, which were in fact the most influential sites in the course of the battle to defend Yemen, and his security and military sense always pushed him to be in the sensitive place at the right time.Whereas he had a strategic vision with Sayyed. Abdul Malik Al Houthi, the Yemeni missile capability development project, which was one of its pioneers, had an effective role in imposing a strategic equation and in stabilizing and succeeding the battle to defend Yemen.

He was also a permanent follower of the military units, in terms of training, equipping and planning, and by his permanent presence for most of the military maneuvers on one hand, and for the graduation ceremonies of the Central Security Forces or members of the armed forces, he was able to stay close to those units. Therefore, he was able to lead and manage the confrontation fronts and the battles of steadfastness in all battlefields, inside Yemen or on the border across the border in Najran, Asir and Jizan, whereas these units imposed a strategic field equation that cannot be bypassed.

State administration

The President was aware of the challenges and risks facing Yemen and all the renaissance projects and had an insightful vision aiming to carry out reforms with a national political will at all levels.
After a year and a half of being the head of the Supreme Political Council, he announced the project of building the state and establishing institutional work on the 26th of last March as a ballistic message to the countries of the aggression coalition and their masters, US and Israel.

He continued to call for the necessity of building the state to solve Yemen’s historical, social, human rights and development problems in order to achieve justice, security and stability.So,he worked to unify concepts and visions about the state’s functions, values, identity, institutions and legislation in order to fully perform its tasks.

The hands of treachery, criminality and aggression have realized its gravity and the efficiency of his leadership of the state-building project, and the people loved him more that had impact on their interests, so they sought to assassinate him in order to abort the project.

By assassinating him, the enemy thought that his spirit would be folded with what it symbolized in terms of cause, steadfastness and will, and that they would have confused the ranks and defeat the nation, but God disappointed them.

The Israeli enemy is celebrating

After his assassination o, Haaretz newspaper published a headline in which it said that what it called “the Houthis” lost their second man in the movement after he was killed in a raid by the aggressive coalition .For its part, (Yediot Aharonot) newspaper described his martyrdom as the departure of the disturbing man to the coalition, and said: the second dangerous man ,who supports terrorism in the region, was killed). It also linked his killing to the news of killing the Palestinian Hamas member, Fadi Al-Batsh, who was assassinated in Malaysia on April 21, 2018.

The Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper singled out a comment by Colonel Turki Al-Maliki, in which he said that (the killing of the prominent leader in (Ansarollah) group, the head of the Supreme Political Council, Saleh Al-Sammad, is an inevitable end for any terrorist in the world) .It added that Al-Maliki accused in a press conference (Al-Sammad) of being responsible for targeting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles and impeding maritime navigation.

The newspaper did not address the issue of the spokesman for the aggression evading a question he was asked during the press conference about the type of plane that carried out his assassination.

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