28 Raids on Marib, Al-Bayda ,Najran, and 63 violations recorded in Hodeidah

On Monday, the American, Saudi, and Emirati forces launched 28 air strikes on Marib, Al-Bayda and Najran.

A security source clarified that they launched 16 airstrikes on Sarwah district, 3 on Medghal district in Marib , 1 on al-Buqa ‘off Najran, and 8 on al-Mukla area in Rada’a district in al-Bayda governorate , and one of these raids targeted civilians and led to the death of a man and wounding two women with unevenly injuries.

In Hodeidah, a source in the Liaison Officers Operations Room stated that the aggression forces committed 63 violations on Hodeidah fronts during the past 24 hours, including the creation of mountain fortifications.

The source added that they included a raid by a spy plane on Al-Jabaliya, two others overflowing Al-Durayhimi , and 17 violations with artillery shelling of 103 shells and 42 others with different bullets.

وفي الحديدة أوضح مصدر في غرفة عمليات ضباط الإرتباط أن قوى العدوان ارتكبت 63 خرقاً في جبهات الحديدة خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية بينها استحداث تحصينات قتالية الجبلية.

وأضاف المصدر أن من بين الخروق ، غارة لطيران تجسسي على الجبلية و تحليق طائرتين تجسسية في أجواء الدريهمي و 17 خرقا بقصف مدفعي لعدد 103 قذائف و 42 خرقا بالأعيرة النارية المختلفة.

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