A mass rally in the capital, Sana’a, in support of the Palestinian people ,their resistance

On Monday afternoon, the capital, Sana’a, witnessed a major mass rally in support of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance.

The participants raised the flag of Palestine, pictures of the martyrs of the Palestinian resistance and the slogan of a cry in the face of the arrogant. They also chanted slogans ,calling for the liberation of holy sites and the necessity of practical and effective action to support the Palestinian people as a religious and moral responsibility.

Speeches were given by a member of the Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, and representatives of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Jihad and the Popular Front.

Member of the Supreme Political Council, in his speech, expressed his astonishment at the crowds and the sacrifices made by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to kill the Yemeni people and to protect the fugitive “Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi” while they did not provide any support for Jerusalem.

Al-Houthi offered the aggression forces to stop the aggression, in return for that the aggression forces go to Palestine and liberate Jerusalem with their planes and weapons .He added, “We will not attack and will not move an inch and go to the liberation of Palestine, and if you need us, we are present at your side,” explaining that this is In order for us to be in the right position and for the warplane to strike the aggression in the right place.

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