The Oil Company: Yemen witnessing the worst fuel crisis in 60 years due to the aggression

The Yemeni Oil Company confirmed that Yemen is witnessing the worst fuel crisis in 60 years, which has caused the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.It happened as a result of the continued detention of oil derivative ships by the US-Saudi aggression coalition.

During a protest organized by the company’s employees and branches in the capital’s secretariat and the supply of aircraft in front of the United Nations office, the company indicated that the forces of the US-Saudi aggression coalition are still holding five oil vessels, including a ship loaded with diesel ,four loaded with 116 thousand ,236 tons of gasoline and diesel for different periods amounting to more From five months.

At the stand, the Executive Director of the Oil Company explained that this crisis is accompanied by the worst international silence and the fall of the UN infront of the whole world during this year.

He pointed out that this indicates that the process of detention and piracy is systematic, denouncing the silence of the United Nations General Assembly, which sees the United Nations trample on its charter.

He said, “How can they deprive 26 million citizens of the simplest necessities of life, foremost among which are oil derivatives.”

He pointed out that a whole year has passed and the country is witnessing a suffocating crisis in light of international silence.He indicated that the United Nations, along with the forces of the aggression coalition led by America, bears full responsibility for acts of piracy that are inconsistent with all international conventions and laws.

He stressed that since the beginning of 2021 , the aggression has not allowed even one liter of gasoline to enter the port of Hodeidah. In regards of diesel, the ship,Thriah, which represents only 4 percent of the actual need during the five months,entered .

He added, “How can they seek peace in the Republic of Yemen while they are blockading and blocking fuel for Yemenis.”

The director of the oil company called, the free loving people of the World to continue to pressure the United Nations and the forces of the aggression coalition to release all the detained fuel ships and to open Sana’a International Airport.

While a statement issued by the oil company condemned the international silence and lethargy towards the suffering of the Yemeni people as a result of the blockade and piracy on fuel ships.It also appealed to humanitarian and human rights organizations and world public opinion to take serious action to prevent the detention of oil vessels or exposure to them in the future.

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