The Palestinian Cause Donation Committee receives 163 million riyals from the residents of the Capital Municipality

Today, Thursday, the Fundraising Committee to Support the Palestinian Cause received the proceeds of donations from the people of the Capital Municipality, amounting to 163 million riyals.

Whereas Yemeni officials delivered the donations to the head of the Palestinian file for Ansarollah in the presence of the committee members and representatives of the Palestinian Jihad Movement in Sana’a and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The Secretary of the Capital stated that the sums of donations that were delivered to the Palestinian side translate the Leader’s call to support the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance.

He pointed out that collecting donations from the residents of the Capital Secretariat strengthens the steadfastness of the people and the Palestinian resistance in the face of the Zionist enemy forces .He blessed the victory of the Palestinian resistance in the battle of the Jerusalem Sword against the Zionist enemy.

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