More than 150 square kilometers in Jizan liberated with a large military operation

The Yemeni army and popular committees were able to liberate more than 150 square kilometers in Jizan with a wide offensive operation carried out earlier in the Saudi depth.

The military media presented detailed scenes of the extensive military operation in which they – thanks to God and his support – were able to liberate more than 40 sites in Jizan and defeat the Saudi army forces, the Sudanese army mercenaries and the mercenaries of aggression stationed there, and inflicting heavy losses on them in many equipment, in a broad offensive operation in which various different combat units participated.

The operation resulted in the death, injury and capture of more than 200 Saudi army forces, Sudanese army mercenaries and hypocrites, while the armored vehicles and destroyed vehicles that were burned exceeded more than 60 armored vehicles documented by the military media lens.

The operation took a number of main and secondary tracks, which ended – by the help of God – with the liberation and securing of a large number of mountains, sites and hills, and the seizing of large quantities of various weapons and ammunition, and a number of armored vehicles and mechanisms.

The scenes of the operation were shown in two expanded appendices, the first for sites opposite the city of al-Khouba, including “MBC Mount , al-Fakhida hills , al-Bayda hill, al-Qamboura, al-Amud, Tawaleq and East Qaim Sayab,” while the second appendix includes the liberation of more than 30 sites “opposite the mountains of al-Dud, al-Rumaih and Jahfan.”

The documented material with the lens of the military media contains qualitative scenes that showed the extent of support, success, and divine care for them and their bravery. They also shows a side of a great setback that the Saudi army and the mercenaries of the Sudanese army suffered.

A map showing the areas that were controlled – by God’s help- during the operation.

خريطة توضح المناطق التي تم -بفصل الله- السيطرة عليها خلال العملية.

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