A large-scale offensive operation led to liberate 30 military sites in the Jizan + (Video)

The Mujahideen of the Army and the Popular Committees carried out a large-scale offensive operation on dozens of sites of the Saudi enemy mercenaries of the Dood, Al-Rumaih and Jahfan mountains in the Jizan sector.

The military media of the Yemeni army has on Monday released video footage showing the Yemeni Army launching an offensive against Saudi military positions in Jizan region, in the southwest corner of Saudi Arabia.

The video showed the army and Popular Committees storming Saudi-led aggression’s sites from three tracks a military official said..

According to the official, more than 30 positions in the Jizan axis were liberated in the operation.

The video shows a large number of mercenaries who were killed and wounded. Dozens more of the enemy’s mercenaries were captured during the operation.

The Yemeni army seized extensive amounts of weapons, ammunition and military vehicles during the attack.


Process  tracks:

The first track – of the mountain of Dood:

This route included dozens of sites, including “The Defense Hill (Al Radha) and the sites surrounding it from several directions – al-Sayad site and its surrounding sites east of Jabal al-Dood — the Safieh Hill — the Tahlia site — the al-Shabakah site and its surrounding sites — the Gomamah hill and its adjacent heights — the areas surrounding the Malahit area. – Tabbat Amin 1″


The second track – of Jabal Al-Rumaih:

The route included both “Tabat Sha’fan and the neighboring sites – Tabbat al-Khazzan and al-Alam – Jabal Dahr Al Hammar – al- Manzala.”


The third track – of Jabal Jahfan:

The route includes a number of sites, including “ Jabal al-Sarkha and its surrounding sites — Shabakah Mountain — the Black Hill — Jabal Amer — Tabab al-Amudin — Tabab al-Misyar — al-Salam site — al-Dhafira site.”


The operation ended with taking control of all the aforementioned sites, harassing the enemy and inflicting heavy losses, killing, wounding and capturing dozens of them despite the participation of the warplanes of the enemy.


The operation took place with the participation of all Yemeni specialized and operational departments, and the effective integration of the various military units played a major role in the success of the operation and achieving victory with Allah’s help and support, and victory is only from Allah.


Enemy losses:

-The attack inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy’s ranks, in which the Yemeni army forces were able to destroy and burn 32 armoured vehicles, including a military bulldozer.

-Over 70 Saudi-led mercenaries were killed and wounded, including dozens of Sudanese.


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