Sayyed Nasrallah reveals, on the 30th anniversary of the founding of Al-Manar TV, the new American trick in Yemen

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah congratulated on Tuesday Al-Manar TV staff on the 30th anniversary of the Channel’s establishment, stressing that it was founded on the basis of piety in order to reflect the image of the Resistance that achieves the liberation.

Addressing Al-Manar celebration, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Al-Manar TV was established in order to raise a certain cause and has never aimed at gaining profits or engaging in competitions with other channels.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that Al-Manar makes sacrifices, pays prices and faces dangers of death and martyrdom (as in 2006), adding that the Channel does not change its political positions and can never be hired by regimes, governments and wealthy people for their aims.

His eminence emphasized Al-Manar is the channel of the martyrs and their families, the wounded, and the prisoners, testifying that it is up to the cause and the responsibility despite its weak capabilities.

As the Islamic Resistance, Al-Manar TV Channel was established by the pupils and lovers of Imam Khomeini, led by Sayyed Issa Tabtabai, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who thanked Sayyed Tabtabai for his contribution to the Resistance media that will continue assuming its responsibilities.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Sayyed Tabtabai also contributed to the establishment of Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association, hailing all Al-Manar directors and staff since its establishment and stressing that the achievements are based on the efforts of all the employees.

Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that Al-Manar TV developed its performance after the Liberation in 2000, adding that it started its satellite broadcast in order to provide a media coverage to the Second Palestinian Intifada which erupted in the same year and that it, then, turned to be channel of the Arabs and the Muslims and assumed all its responsibilities pertaining the Palestinian cause.

What is going on in occupied Palestine must be followed up by all the Arabs and Muslims because the Israeli enemy is spiteful, stupid and troubled by the internal crisis, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that Netanyahu may commit a folly against the Iranian nuclear program or the Palestinians in Al-Quds in order to escape from its ordeals.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that the the Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank, and 1948-occupied territories insist on defending Al-Quds and all the sanctities, pointing out, “We are seriously working to consecrate Al-Quds formula, adopted initially by Yemen’s Ansarullah chief Sayyed Abdul Malik Al-Houthi”.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Washington does not want the war on Yemen to stop, adding that it deceitfully says it rejects the war, but openly supports the blockade on the Yemenis.

Sayyed Narallah added that the ongoing blockade on Yemen aims at starving the Yemenis in order to impose certain concessions on Yemen, highlighting the role of Al-Manar TV in exposing this US deception.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that Al-Manar has reflected Hezbollah support to the Yemenis against the massacres committed by the Saudi-led coalition, adding that NileSat and ArabSat blocked the channel’s broadcast due to its support to the Yemenis.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen has failed, adding that the KSA-led coalition is just trying to achieve some gains in order to stop the war.

Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that Al-Manar staff role resembles that of the Resistance fighters, recalling the ISraeli aerial attack on the Channel’s headquarters during 206 War.

In this regard, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “Holy God helped us to order the evacuation of Al-Manar TV headquarters during 2006 War few minutes before the Zionist warplanes bombed it.”

Sayyed Nasrallah also underlined that Al-Manar staff continued assuming their responsibilities during and after the war, adding that the Channel played a vital role in facing the takfiri war on the regions and refuting the claims of the militant groups as well as their supporters.

Hezbollah Secretary General also highlighted Al-Manar role in covering Syria’s and Iraq’s victory over the takfiri enemy, the liberation of Lebanon’s northeastern barrens from the terrorist groups in 2017, and Al-Quds Sword battle in 2021.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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