A stand by the children of Hodeidah to denounce the United Nations resolution that with the aggression

Today, Sunday, the children of Hodeidah governorate organized a march and stand in front of the United Nations office in the governorate, denouncing the decision of its Secretary-General to put Ansarollah in the list of violators of children’s rights.

The children raised banners and chanted slogans rejecting and condemning the failure of the United Nations and the removal of Saudi Arabia, the killer of children, from the list of violators of children’s rights.

Many words and poems denounced the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression against childhood in Yemen, and demanded the United Nations to punish the killers of children in Yemen and Palestine.

A statement issued by the march and stand condemned the decision that classified the Yemeni people and Ansarollah on the black list of violators of childhood rights.Meanwhile the United Nations stands with the aggression for more than six years that witnessed the killing and violation of the rights of children in violation of all norms, charters, treaties and human values.

The statement, which was delivered in Arabic and English, considered that the countries of aggression and the United Nations are partners in all the crimes committed against children in Yemen.

The statement demanded the inclusion of the coalition of aggression in the list of violators of children’s rights and condemnation of its crimes against the children of Yemen and pressure to end them and bring the perpetrators to justice so that they receive their just and deterrent punishment.

At the end of the stand and the march, and in a cynical scene, they presented sums of money to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, who trades in the blood of the children of Yemen.

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