Yemeni official: The United Nations should announce the blocking party to the Stockholm Agreement and clarify the facts to the international community

The Deputy Chief of the General Staff and head of the national redeployment team, Major General Ali Hammoud Al-Mushki, met today, Monday, in Sana’a, with the Head of the United Nations Mission to Support HodeidahAgreement, General Abhijit Guha, and the head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Waki ​​Lutsima.

During the meeting, they discussed issues related to redeployment in accordance with the Sweden agreement, as well as the needs of Hodeidah ports, and ways to provide the necessary support to the executive center for dealing with mines.

In the meeting, which was attended by the Director of the Executive Center for Mine Action, Brigadier General Ali Safra, and members of the national redeployment team, Major General Al-Mushki stressed the importance of the United Nations playing its role in declaring the blocking party to the Stockholm Agreement, and clarifying the facts to the international community about preventing the coalition of aggression from introducing mine-detection and detection devices in light of the lack of The demining teams were able to carry out their duties due to obsolete, broken equipment and lack of capabilities.

He pointed to the presence of thousands of internationally prohibited missiles and cluster bombs, which the coalition dropped in various regions throughout the Republic of Yemen, threatening the population and thousands of children and women in farms, roads and grazing places.

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