The Women’s Authority in Sana’a organizes a women’s march on Ashura commemoration

The capital, Sana’a, witnessed, Thursday afternoon, a women’s march to commemorate Ashura, the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, organized by the Women’s Cultural Authority of Ansar Allah.

The participants in the People’s Mosque Square in Sana’a affirmed the continuation of the path of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, in the face of the forces of hegemony and arrogance, denouncing the continued crimes of aggression against the Yemeni people for nearly seven years, in which they live in the injustices of Karbala of the age.

The women in the capital stressed the firmness of the stances against foreign interference in Yemen and the region.

They also pointed to the importance of drawing lessons from this memory in sacrifice and redemption and the values ​​of fatherhood and loyalty and imitating the approach of al-Hussein, peace be upon him, in the face of tyrants.

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