Fauci Promotes Booster Shots, Claiming Deaths ‘Preventable’

The US leading infectious diseases expert says the deaths of some 100,000 people by December is “predictable but preventable,” further promoting a booster shot for Americans’ vaccinated eight months ago.

“We’re still planning on eight months,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said. “That was the calculation we made [and] this roll out will start on the week of 20 September. That’s the plan that we have, but we are open to data as they come in. This will have to go through the FDA process and then the advisory committee on immunisation practices that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. So right now, we’re sticking with eight but we’re totally open to any variation in that based on the data.”

The official death toll from Covid-19 is currently at almost 637,000 in the United States.

“What is going on now is both entirely predictable and entirely preventable,” said the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to US President Joe Biden. “We know we have the wherewithal with vaccines to turn this around, and the reason the numbers are so alarming is that we have about 80 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not yet vaccinated.”

Source: Press TV

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