6 Palestinian prisoners escape Zionist prison “Gilboa” through tunnel

Six Palestinian prisoners managed to escape from escaped from Gilboa Prison in the West Bank overnight, Media sources reported early Monday.


According to Israel’s Channel 13, the Palestinian prisoners are suspected of managing to escape from prison through a tunnel.


According to Hebrew media, extensive searches involving helicopters and drones are taking place to reach the prisoners who managed to escape.


Large Israeli forces are on alert and searching for prisoners who have escaped from prison, the channel said.


According to the media, five of the prisoners were from The Islamic Jihad and the sixth from Fatah, Zakaria Zubeidi.


In a photo published by the Israeli Prison Service administration, the prisoners include Palestinians who previously carried out attacks against Israeli occupation . Amongst them  is Zakaria Zabidi, the former leader of Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.


While a reporter for Channel 20 confirmed that there is a suspicion that the escaped prisoners managed to reach Jenin .

Source: Websites.

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