Sana’a marks the seventh anniversary of September 21st

The capital, Sana’a, witnessed this afternoon, Tuesday, a major march in which various components of the Yemeni people participated to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution.

In the march, the participants raised phrases and chants expressing adherence to the principles and goals of the revolution, which are spearheaded by freedom and independence and building a strong Yemen that is not subject to the rule of embassies and away from external dictates.

The participants also raised pictures of the martyrs and banners confirming the continuation of the revolution until the liberation of every inch of the homeland, no matter what the sacrifices and no matter the size of tyranny and aggression.

The participants emphasized that the revolution represented a turning point for liberation from tutelage and hegemony, which had controlled the fate of Yemen for decades. They noted that the revolution came as an urgent necessity to restore power and the sovereign decision to the Yemeni people. They stressed that everyone is concerned today with bearing the responsibility in strengthening the situation Mobilization in the circles of society, with plans and conspiracies being hatched against Yemen aimed at tearing up the ranks and the home front.

They explained that one of the achievements of this revolution is achieving security and stability, thwarting the plans of enemies, developing military industries such as ballistic missiles, drones and various types of weapons, and fighting corruption.They stressed that the aggression against Yemen in 2015 came as a desperate attempt to abort the revolution, and prevent the achievement of its national goals. In the forefront of which was the achievement of freedom and independence in all fields, the elimination of external guardianship, and the prevention of opening a path towards building a free and independent national economy, and the advancement of the country and the people’s economic and living standards.

The participants pointed out that the barbaric aggression launched by America and its clients against the Yemeni people seven years ago was in retaliation for their refusal to submit to the conspiracies of division, enslavement, humiliation and undermining the dignity of Yemen and Yemenis and obliterating their history, culture and faith. The aggression was confortef by the great people , managing to defeat the aggression and achieve the epic victories that the world is now citing as evidence of the greatness of these people, who have become more powerful and have greater faith and confidence in God’s victory.

The masses of the people affirmed that the victories achieved by the army and the popular committees are one of the outcomes of this great revolution, whose seventh anniversary is celebrated today by the Yemeni people,meanwhile the puppet and submissive regimes of America and “Israel” are contemplating their shameful fall into the swamp of the guardianship of the enemies of God, and their plots against the sanctities and Islamic peoples in a clear and public way

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