Stands in Sana’a governorate confirm the continuation of the revolution in the face of aggression

After Friday prayers, today, the people of Sana’a governorate in its various districts held stands under the slogan “The Most Highest Revolution and the Greatest People.”

The participants in the vigils congratulated the celebrations of the free people of Yemen, the seventh anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution, pointing to the freedom, independence, dignity and rights that the revolution achieved. They extended their congratulations to the leader Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi and all the Yemeni people.

They also congratulated the championships won by the army and the popular committees, and what was achieved during the recent operations of liberating multiple areas in the governorates of Marib, Shabwa and Al-Bayda.

The participants in the vigils praised the great role played by the free people of the governorates of Marib and Shabwa in liberating their areas, as they served as the spearhead of the Yemeni army and the popular committees, calling on the people of the rest of the occupied governorates to follow their example and contribute to clear their governorates from the abomination of the occupiers.

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