Intellectual symposium on the revolutions of September 21 and 26, at Tishreen University, Syria

The General Union of Yemeni Students, in coordination with the Office of Preparation, Culture, and Information at the Syrian Tishreen University in Latakia, organized an intellectual symposium on the seventh anniversary of the September 21 revolution and the 59th anniversary of the September 26 revolution, entitled “The September 21 and 26 revolutions and the external guardianship of Yemen.”

In the symposium, the Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Syria, Abdullah Ali Sabri, praised the university presidency, the branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, and the Student Union, for organizing this symposium.

He reviewed the foreign interventions and Saudi guardianship over Yemen since the outbreak of the September 26 revolution in 1962 AD, until the September 21 revolution, which overthrew the guardianship and hegemony and got rid of the dependence on the outside.

Ambassador Sabri said, “The guardianship of Yemen has taken on political, social and cultural dimensions, to the extent that the Saudi ambassador in Yemen was like the ruler of Sana’a.”

He also pointed out that the Special Committee is still playing its aggressive and subversive role in Yemen to this day by buying loyalties, in addition to spreading Saudi Wahhabism at the expense of religious tolerance among Yemenis.

The symposium moderated by the Head of the Preparation and Culture Office of the Baath Party Branch at Tishreen University, Dr. Mueinah Badran.

In the symposium, Professor at Tishreen University, Dr. Haitham Jubaili, gave a historical presentation on Yemeni civilization, Yemen’s strategic location, and foreign ambitions, past and present.

In turn, a member of the Student Union at the University of Aleppo, Adel Al-Haddad, indicated in the second working paper that the September 21 revolution stemmed from the conscience and conscience of the Yemeni people and their suffering.

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