The Defense Minister inspects the wounded of the army and the popular committees at Al-Thawra Hospital in Al-Bayda

The Minister of Defense, Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Atifi, inspected the conditions of the wounded of the army and the popular committees at Al-Thawra Hospital in Al-Bayda governorate.

The Minister of Defense, along with the first deputy of the governorate, Hammoud Shathan, briefed on the level of services and medical care provided to the wounded. He conveyed to them the congratulations and blessings of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, on the occasion of the great victories achieved on various fronts of confrontation.

Major General Al-Atifi praised the sacrifices of the wounded in defense the homeland. He said, “You, heroes were wounded while performing your sacred national and humanitarian duty in defense of land and honor in the face of the enemies of Yemen, its sovereignty, unity, independence and the pride of its people.”

He stressed that the sacrifices of the wounded will be recorded in history in its brightest pages with letters of light, from which generations will inspire the meanings of sacrifice and redemption. “Every drop of blood that flowed from your bodies will be a torrential torrent for the enemies of our people and our nation.”

The Minister of Defense praised the high morale enjoyed by the wounded of the army and the popular committees.

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