Air defenses down an American spy plane over Marib

Today, Monday, the air defenses of the Yemeni army and the popular committees, with God’s help, managed to shoot down a US “Scan Eagle” spy plane belonging to the US-Saudi aggression over Marib governorate.

The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, explained that the air defenses shot down an American spy plane (Scan Eagle) with a suitable weapon.

Brigadier-General Sare’e indicated that the US spy plane was shot down while it was carrying out hostile acts over Madghal District of Marib .

On August 14, the air defenses of the army and the popular committees shot down a similar US spy plane with a surface-to-air missile while it was carrying out hostile acts in the airspace of the Madghal district of Marib.

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