Combination of Browbeating, Bribery from Saudi Arabia, UAE to Thwart UN Investigation into Human Rights Violations in Yemen

The American magazine “Washington Report” reported that the control of the United States of America over the United Nations and the latter’s relationship with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
“We saw this most distressingly when the U.N. Human Rights Council members succumbed to some combination of browbeating and bribery from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in October to thwart the continuation of an U.N. investigation into human rights violations in Yemen,” said the report, written by Ian Williams.

The report pointed out that Yemen is one of the saddest countries in the world, as it is exposed to the Saudi-Emirati bombing that kills civilians, noting that Britain, Saudi Arabia’s ally, has failed to justify what it is doing towards Yemen, and Saudi Arabia has provided diplomatic shields, including support for normalization with the Israeli occupation , to ensure circumvention of domestic courts, international law and human rights lobby groups.

As Human Rights Watch had said, “Member states bowing to pressure to end the mandate when it is still urgently needed would be a stain on the credibility of the Council and a slap in the face to victims.” As the dark joke in the U.N. has it, if the vote were on a show of hands, the wrists of those who voted “no” would probably be sporting Gold Rolexes.

We are accustomed to Palestine votes evoking hypocrisy at the highest level, as delegations weigh U.S. and Israeli pressure against the principles of self-determination and humanitarian law to which they pay lip service.

In the case of Yemen, one can only guess what combination of outright bribes and fear of financial retaliation from the Saudis led to the votes, along with the intriguing spectacle of the heirs of the Warsaw Pact —Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia—who have between them demonstrated strong international solidarity with their bloc of mutual support for authoritarian impunity.

The report pointed out that the United Nations failed in the field of human rights, as it took time to criticize Saudi Arabia’s accession to the council in 2019. It also took advantage of Saudi Arabia’s victory this year in suppressing the investigation on Yemen to search on their website for any mention of this latest attack on freedom and reason.

The report explained that human rights issues when it comes to Saudis; You get a deafening silence at the United Nations Secretariat.


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