North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan: S. Korean Military

After he visited China, Biden said he made it clear to Chinese President Xi Jinping that China has an obligation to pressure North Korea to act responsibly.

Choe did not specifically mention what actions North Korea would take but said that the United States “will be well aware that it is gambling for which it will certainly regret.”

North Korea also criticized Japan for what it alleges is the oppression of pro-Pyongyang ethnic Koreans who live in Japan. During that condemnation, which was published by the official Korean Central News Agency, North Korea specifically mentioned the October 4 firing of an intermediate-range ballistic missile over Japan.

The South Korean military is analyzing the missile, including its launch site, speed, flight distance, and altitude. The missile landed somewhere in the East Sea.

Source: Agencies (edited by Al-Manar English Website)

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