Protests in Aden condemning the collapse of the security situation under the control of the aggression militias


Posted on November 20, 2022
Ansarollah website – Aden

The city of Aden, under the control of the aggression and its mercenaries, witnessed, on Sunday, massive popular protests, denouncing the collapse of the security situation, in light of the existing conflicts between the mercenaries of aggression.

Thousands of residents of the city of Tawahi and Sheikh Othman district, in a large demonstration, raised banners calling for the speedy arrest of the killers scattered in the city center, the last of whom was the killer of the underage girl “Maha.”

Two days ago, a mercenary of the aggression in the city of Tawahi killed the 14-year-old girl, Maha, 24 hours after she was kidnapped and hidden in his house.

The developments coincide with the deterioration of the security situation, especially with the return of tensions between the militias of the aggression

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