After the negotiations faltered, is Sana’a preparing a new surprise for the Saudi aggression and the world?

An ambiguous situation that resides between war and no war, and a truce and no truce. This is the best way to describe the Saudi -led aggressive coalition war on Yemen, as the blockade is still in place and is even taking an upward path, with the coalition detaining fuel ships that are supposed to reach the port of Hodeidah, and military operations are still continuing in a number of fronts.

In Marib, the forces loyal to the coalition continue their advance on the positions of the army forces and the popular committees, and Saudi Arabia continues its escalation on the ground and targets bordering areas, as sources stated that the Saudi army launched a missile attack on the Ghafrah area in the bordering district of Al-Zaher in Saada governorate.

In terms of the race to control important Yemeni islands, sea lanes, and regional waters, which are all a target for global colonial powers, the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE is working to win the race, and find a foothold for those forces in Yemeni waters.

During the past few days, the United States of America and the Israeli entity have pushed the Egyptian forces to participate in the military operations taking place in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, up to the Gulf of Aden, which is under Yemeni sovereignty, assigning to the Egyptian Navy the task of commanding the forces of the so-called “Joint Missions 153”, in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab and the Gulf of Aden, against the background of what was called combating terrorism, smuggling and confronting any illegal activities. This joint task forces are a multinational military alliance consisting of 34 countries, including the Zionist entity, and Egypt joined it in April 2021, ranking 34th.

Observers believe that these movements in the Yemeni territorial waters are not far or hidden from Sana’a authorities, as every movement is monitored, despite the title they use to legitimize and justify their military presence in the territorial waters under the control of the Republic of Yemen.

The Minister of Defense of Sana’a Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Atifi, indicated earlier that the Bab al-Mandab Strait, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the regional extension of the Socotra archipelago and the Yemeni islands are Yemeni territory and have full sovereignty over them. He stressed that maritime security for Yemeni territorial waters will have priority in the next stage, and that his forces have taken all necessary measures that guarantee dealing firmly with any development that poses a threat or harms national maritime sovereignty.

Regarding the UAE’s involvement in handing over Yemeni islands to Israeli, American and British forces, a leader in the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen issued a stern warning.

The member of the Ansar Allah political bureau, Abdullah Al-Nami, stated in his official Twitter account that the UAE was wrong if it thought it would survive ballistic missiles and drones, against the backdrop of its control of some Yemeni islands and handing them over to foreign forces.

In addition, he indicated that the Yemeni people can distinguish between their friends and enemies, and are not as ignorant, calling on the UAE to review its actions, saying: “If the Yemeni people did not own anything but a heap of stones, it would have been better for the Emirates to reconsider its calculations and thinking towards Yemen. So how, when they have ballistic power and drones, what forces this mini-state to return to its senses?”

While Sana’a officials confirm that their forces are in a state of high readiness for any military developments, whether defensive or offensive, others hint at the possibility that Sana’a will resort to blockading Saudi and Emirati airports and ports. This comes as the negotiations are faltering, which aim to extend the truce, and pay the salaries of civil employees. Thus, as observers say, Sana’a will not accept this floating situation between war and no war.

The member of the Shura Council, Fatima Mohammed, said that the House of Representatives and the Shura Council in Sana’a authorized the government and the armed forces to strike all targets in the coalition countries and impose a siege on them as much as it is possible, as she puts it, indicating that Sana’a might resort to this step.

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