Azerbaijan Will Have More Incidents If They Don’t Communicate

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday said Armenia and Azerbaijan will have more incidents if one of them refuses to communicate.

“These incidents – which are inevitable in any conflict and which need, of course, to be urgently considered and attempts should be made to settle them swiftly – they will recur longer if every time after any incident either of the sides will back out of negotiating rounds that have been agreed. That hasn’t ever done any good to anyone,” he said at a news conference following talks with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov.

Lavrov made the statement, when asked to comment of Armenia’s refusal to take part in a trilateral ministerial meeting in Moscow.

“Not a single treaty, not a single agreement, let alone an agreement that’s been reached following a war, a conflict that lasted more than one decade, is fulfilled 100% right away,” the minister said. “Each of the parties to this or that agreement, this or that deal to have a ceasefire, take practical measures to stabilize the situation on the ground, in one way or another commits violations. ”

According to Lavrov, the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh is trying to resolve incidents in this region as soon as possible in full accordance with its mandate and offer concrete solutions.

The foreign ministers of Russia and Azerbaijan spoke by phone a day earlier. They expressed regret over Armenia’s decision to refuse to participate in the talks to reach a peace treaty between Yerevan and Baku that were scheduled for December 23 in Moscow. On December 22, it was reported that Armenia asked to postpone the planned meeting due to the situation in the Lachin corridor.

Source: Agencies

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