Yemen praises the operations carried by Palestinians in Jerusalem; Zionist media disturbed

The recent operations against the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine have put the lights once again on Yemen, for their distinguished position in supporting the Palestinian cause.

Zionist media expressed great dissatisfaction with the commendation of “Ansar Allah” for the heroic attack that resulted in the killing of a number of Zionists in Jerusalem, which translated into Clearly, “Tel Aviv” is concerned about Sanaa direction and position in support of the Palestinian resistance, a concern previously expressed explicitly by Zionist officials and leaders in the occupation army.

The enemy’s media denounced the statement issued by the Ansar Allah Political Bureau, following the heroic operation that resulted in the killing of eight Zionist settlers and the wounding of others in occupied Jerusalem, which were carried out to retaliate from the occupation’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

The statement of “Ansar Allah” blessed the operation, stressing that “it would shake the temporary Zionist entity and make it reconsider its calculations and realize that it will no longer be safe from the Mujahideen’s operations.”

“We support the Palestinian mujahideen to continue with these operations that raise the head of the Islamic nation,” the statement added.

Zionist analysts expressed great annoyance at Yemen’s celebration of the heroic operation, to which Yemeni activists responded by affirming the principled and steadfast position of the Yemeni people in supporting the Palestinian cause, noting that the Zionists’ annoyance with the statement of “Ansar Allah” is a matter of pride, and confirms the influence of the Yemeni position on the scene.

To reinforce this position, Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the political bureau of Ansar Allah, affirmed that the position of the Yemenis in support of the Palestinian people is firm, and that “the cause is one and the people are one.”

And he added, in an interview with Al-Masirah, that “these operations are evidence of the greatness of the Palestinian mujahideen and their sacrifices, which will force the enemy to leave Palestine, the land and the sanctities.”

He pointed out, “Victory is inevitable for the Palestinian cause, thanks to Allah and the sacrifices of the mujahideen, which will break the enemy’s tyranny.”

For his part, the head of the National Salvation Government, Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor, blessed the “heroic Palestinian operation in Jerusalem in response to the Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people” and stressed that “Yemen stands with the project to confront the Zionist enemy, and adheres to the line of resistance that extends from Sana’a to Palestine and Tehran.”

The Zionist enemy’s annoyance with the position of “Ansar Allah” and the Yemeni people reflects the fears previously expressed by “Tel Aviv” explicitly regarding Yemen’s role in the conflict, as many Zionist officials and leaders of the occupation army had previously confirmed that Yemen is becoming a growing threat.

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, had affirmed more than once Yemen’s readiness to support the Palestinian resistance by all means available, and he also stressed that Yemen would be a major part of any regional confrontation between the axis of resistance and the Zionist enemy.

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