The Minister of Transport confirms that the United Nations  disavowed its commitment to empty the Safer oil tank


Posted on February 5, 2023

Ansarollah website – Sana’a –


The Minister of Transport, Abdul Wahhab Al-Durra, affirmed that the United Nations disavowed its commitment to emptyil the floating oil tank “Safer” and replacing it with a new one according to the agreement concluded in March 2022 AD with the Committee for the Implementation of the Urgent Maintenance Agreement and the comprehensive assessment of the tank.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Minister Al-Durra stated that the United Nations is deliberately keeping the status of the floating reservoir as it is to request more funding from donor and non-donor countries despite obtaining the full amount that it specified at $85 million from donor countries and other countries that contributed to avoid the major environmental catastrophe that will befall all countries surrounding the Red Sea up to the Suez Canal and beyond.

He said, “The funding of the United Nations is ready, and it promised to implement it at the beginning of the year 2023 AD, and we are in the month of February, and we have not noticed any movement for replacement until this moment.”

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