Al-Qahoum: The United States  obstructing the implementation of the humanitarian file in Yemen


Posted on February 22, 2023

Ansarollah website – Sana’a –

A member of the political bureau of Ansarollah, Ali al-Qahoum, told Al-Mayadeen that the United States does not want there to be an implementation of the humanitarian file in Yemen, and there is prevarication and blackmail on the part of it regarding the issue of salaries and prisoners.

Al-Qahoum added that Saudi Arabia, US, Britain and others have ambitions in Yemen, and there is a clear tendency for Western countries to control Bab al-Mandab and the Yemeni coasts, indicating that the implementation of the humanitarian file, the payment of salaries and the release of prisoners are  rights for the Yemeni people.

He stressed that we are watching and following up, and we are not oblivious to what is happening, and are ready for confrontation and holding the trigger, and there is duplicity on the part of America, as its movements on the ground confirm their intentions for escalation, contrary to its statements that talk about, calm and peace.

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