The United Nations begs under the name of Yemenis, and blesses their siege!!

The United Nations has returned again to the methods of begging in the name of providing relief to millions of Yemenis who suffer from an unjust siege imposed by Saudi Arabia and its coalition with the blessing of America and the United Nations itself, according to the assurances of the UN inspection mechanism weeks ago.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, called at the opening session of what they called the donors’ conference for Yemen, which began yesterday, Monday, in Geneva, to raise an amount of 4.3 billion dollars to finance the UN humanitarian response plan in Yemen for the current year.

Guterres said that the billions he hopes to obtain from donor funds are to support the 17 million most vulnerable people in Yemen. However, the truth is that everyone in the world has become aware that donor funds are mainly used to support and operate the United Nations and its organizations, while nothing has reached the Yemenis, and if it did, it is either a spoiled flour or other expired food. The United Nations, through this step, aims to legitimize the process of acquiring these funds provided under the claim of helping the people of Yemen.

The UN inspection mechanism had confirmed about ten days ago that it had obstructed the entry of a commercial ship to the port of Hodeidah as a result of not receiving the green light from the Saudis.

In the aforementioned session, the United States, whose military bases control the oil and gas bases in Yemen’s Hadramout, and supports the continuation of the blockade and aggression against the Yemeni people, announced the provision of 400 million dollars as a grant to the United Nations under the pretext of aid to the Yemeni people.

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