The detainee “Khaled Al-Ameer” died in the mercenary prisons in Marib

Eye of Humanity Center confirmed that the detainee “Khaled Muhammad Salih Al-Ameer” died as a result of being subjected to nutrition and medical neglect in the “Military Intelligence” prison in Marib, after severe suffering from heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

The center stated that the detainee Khaled Al-Ameer’s condition worsened in early February, finally he was transferred to the Commission’s hospital while he was in a clinically dead state, to die , on Sunday, March 5, 2023 AD.

The center added that the militias of the Islah Party in Marib arrested Brigadier General Khaled Al-Ameer along with his citizen son Muhammad Khaled Al-Ameer and his nephew, citizen Bassem Ali Abdo Saeed Al-Samit, in the city of Marib in 2020 AD.

He pointed out that the daughter of Muhammad Khaled al-Ameer died in mercenary prisons in Marib as a result of torture, while her body is still being held from 2021 until now.

The Eye of Humanity Center condemned the heinous crime against humanity, appealed to the United Nations and the Security Council to assume their responsibilities and break out of their shameful silence and their evasion of their duties.

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