The real reasons behind the American military delegation visit to Yemen’s Al-Mahra

The recent visit of the American military delegation to Al-Mahra Governorate revealed that the United States is rushing to implement a plan that could damage the peace process. It seeks to establish its presence in Yemen as a fait accompli, and obtain geopolitical and economic ambitions in the country before any peace is created. Thus, this constitutes a direct hostile escalation that cannot be bypassed by any peace efforts. The recent US movements in the country threaten the security and stability of the country at all levels.

The last visit was clearly distinguished from the previous ones, in view of the level of the American delegation and the level of the meetings it held, and also in view of the official announcement of the visit (in contrast to other previous visits that were surrounded by relatively great secrecy).

The presence of the commander of the US Fifth Fleet forces, General Brad Cooper, among the visiting delegation was a clear indication that it was about long-term goals. The tasks carried out by the aforementioned fleet are directly related to the influence of American hegemony in general, and to the projects and strategic interests of the United States in the entire region.

Among those tasks is securing oil supplies from the Gulf to world markets, and supervising operations in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Red Sea, and parts of the Indian Ocean, including military operations; Thus, it seems clear that the visit came as part of a broad US plan to turn Al-Mahra Yemeni province into a part of the system of operational bases that maintain US influence in the region.

It seems clear that there is a close relationship between the tasks of the Fifth Fleet and the ambitions behind the occupation of Al-Mahrah, such as passing the Saudi oil pipeline, which is one of the goals that US press reports recently confirmed that Washington and Riyadh are working side by side to achieve, and that previous visits by military personnel Americans to the province were associated with it.

These threads, which are gradually becoming clear, confirm what the leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abd al-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, said about the American presence in the occupied provinces. He indicated in his last speech that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are occupying the provinces and cities and preparing them; Then the American forces would come later and establish their military bases and run their operations behind the Saudi and Emirati forces, as part of a service process that ultimately aims to seize geography and capabilities.

Thus, the slogan of “combating smuggling” that the United States repeatedly raises to justify its moves in al-Mahrah hides behind a much broader plan aimed at consolidating the American, Saudi and Emirati presence in the province, and achieving the economic, commercial and political ambitions that were planned in advance.

It seems that Washington’s rush to achieve its ambitions in the region has reached a level where it needs to clearly announce its suspicious goals. In order to dedicate it as a fait accompli; The talk this time was not limited to allegations of “combating smuggling”, but rather the US Central Command talked about “multilateral cooperation with regard to regional maritime security”; This means opening the way for the American and British forces to dominate the Yemeni coasts and shipping lanes, in addition to installing military bases on the ground.

When we collect the listed goals of the Americans, the result is a broad and direct escalation that threatens the security and stability of the Yemen, and establishes the basis for maintaining and consolidating tutelage in various forms and over a long term. This is something unacceptable and would never be in a real-peace process, for it targets the sovereignty of Yemen. Opening the way for US military ships to dominate the territorial waters, is a clear aggression that undermines any talk of peace, and cancels even the state of “de-escalation” that the country is witnessing.

The leader of the revolution had made this clear enough in his recent speech, in which he focused in particular on the impossibility of accepting the continuation of the occupation and the survival of foreign forces in any part of the country, including Al-Mahrah, which even the American media has become confirming that Washington seeks to seize it.

In fact, the choice of the city of “Al-Ghaydah” as a destination for the visit clearly proved the accuracy of the information published during the past years, whether through media reports and investigations, or by the national intelligence services, which confirmed that the city’s airport had turned into a military base for the American and British forces, and a place to recruit spies and criminal cells that are directly linked to the American and British intelligence services.

Accordingly, sending the commander of the Fifth Fleet and the US ambassador to Al-Mahrah at this time, and officially announcing this visit, its goals and destination, despite the mounting criticism and despite the warnings made by Sanaa, represents a clear attempt to preempt any opposition or resistance to the American plan, and an attempt to establish this plan as a fait accompli in front of public opinion and in front of Sanaa; This means insisting on escalation, trying to put pressure on Sanaa, and placing it between the option of continuing to respond to peace efforts, and the option of moving against escalation.

In this context, the deputy director of the Morale Guidance Department, Brigadier General Abdullah bin Amer, believes that: “The Americans believe that their military parade in Al-Mahra, and before that in Hadramout, is nothing but an imposition of the fait accompli; So that everyone accepts its presence, but the truth is that this appearance, with its timing and size, serves the free people in their battle to deport him, and prompts the skeptics to move and react.”

This is also confirmed by a member of the Political Bureau of Ansar Allah, Ali Al-Qahoum, who said: “The overt and continuous influx of American forces into Al-Mahra and Hadramout is a deliberate insistence on the occupation,” stressing that this behavior “pushes to launch a massive revolution to expel the occupiers and restore wealth geography, and the preservation of sovereignty and independence.”

According to the assurances of the leader of the revolution and the national military leadership, Sanaa does not face a “dilemma” in dealing with American behavior, as Washington thinks; Because Sanaa’s military and political goals are clear, which is to achieve peace that guarantees the sovereignty and independence of the country, and therefore the attempt to exploit the state of “de-escalation” to stabilize the reality of the occupation will not restrict the options Sanaa has in dealing with the American and British moves. The current fragile truce does not oblige Sanaa not to take any step. In addition, any negative repercussions if the situation explodes, will be poured mainly on the side of the forces of aggression and their sponsors, and not on Sanaa, whose basic objectives and principles will not change.

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