Ali Al-Qahoum: Priority for humanitarian files, stopping aggression, lifting the siege , ending the occupation


Posted on April 11, 2023
Ansarollah website – Sana’a

A member of the Political Bureau of Ansarollah, Ali Al-Qahoum, confirmed that there is movement and continuous negotiations, at a high pace, and Omani mediation in bringing peace to Yemen, which (Muscat) is thankful, especially with their visit (the Omani delegation) to Sana’a and the Saudi delegation and holding discussions with the leadership in Sana’a.

He stressed that Sana’a is full ready for peace.

Ali al-Qahoum explained in a statement to Anadolu Agency that the priority is humanitarian files, stopping the aggression, lifting the siege, ending the occupation, releasing prisoners, reconstruction, and reparations, in addition to empowering the Yemenis to solve their problems without external tutelage while respecting the sovereignty and independence of Yemen.

Al-Qahoum expressed his optimism about the success and progress of the Sultanate of Oman’s efforts to bring peace to Yemen.

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