Israel on Edge as Resistance Unites

Events are escalating in occupied Palestine following Zionist attacks on worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The northern and southern fronts of the occupying entity have ignited, portending a bloody war if aggression continues at this pace.

The occupying Zionist entity fears Hezbollah’s entry into the confrontation, especially after dozens of rockets were launched from southern Lebanon last Thursday in response to Zionist violations at Al-Aqsa. Fires and explosions were seen in the targeted locations, prompting the Israeli enemy army to mobilize all its forces and threaten retaliation.

In light of these rapid developments, all Palestinian resistance factions have mobilized their forces and announced full readiness for any escalation. “Unity of battlefields” has emerged anew, with the ignition of the northern front (southern Lebanon) as the most prominent event confronting the Israeli occupation. This represents a new burden on the entity, paralyzing it from confronting or entering into open warfare on all fronts.

The sudden escalation by the Israeli occupation and its receipt of a slap from southern Lebanon put the Zionist security and military leadership in a state of maximum alert and continuous meetings, chaired by the war criminal Netanyahu. At dawn, last Friday, Israeli planes were flying over the Gaza Strip and the southern Lebanese city of Sidon. Explosions followed the fall of rockets, but the storm soon subsided as if the Zionists only wanted retaliation and not to enter into open warfare. They fear dragging Hezbollah into confrontation.

To confirm this, the American website Axios said that the Israeli occupation army and Mossad presented multiple assessments regarding the nature of Hezbollah’s response to Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon.

Mossad chief David Barnea said, “Hezbollah will likely respond to any Israeli airstrike. Therefore, Israel must strike it, in addition to striking Hamas and Lebanese targets.”

However, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said, “The Israeli interest is to keep Hezbollah out of the equation, and to do so, Israel’s response must remain focused on Hamas.”

The source added, “Kochavi’s position ultimately prevailed as the recommendation that will be taken at the security cabinet meeting.”

Amid the escalation, Zionist settlers attacked the vehicle of Palestinian leader Tayseer Khaled as he was returning Friday afternoon from Qarawa to the city of Nablus. They pelted it with stones in front of Israeli soldiers present at the location.

The Israeli occupation army announced yesterday, Friday, the recall of reserve soldiers, focusing on air defense forces and the air force.

The Israeli occupation army said it had called up dozens of reserve officers from the Israeli special forces.

In parallel, Palestinian resistance factions carried out various retaliation operations against the temporary entity. The “Jordan Valley” operation resulted in the deaths of two Zionist settlers and the injury of a third. This created a state of confusion for the Zionists, opening a new breach in the security chaos and confirming that the resistance can inflict blows in more than one place and in more than one way.

By Friday evening, the Zionist Foreign Ministry announced that 7 settlers had been injured, two critically, in a ramming and shooting in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The spokesman for the Hamas movement, Abdul Latif Al-Qanou, said: “The Tel Aviv operation and what preceded it, the Jordan Valley operation, indicate the resistance’s ability to strike the occupation. The sword of Jerusalem remains unsheathed everywhere. It is a natural response to the occupation’s crimes against Al-Aqsa and the worshipers.”

For its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine blessed the heroic Tel Aviv operation, stressing that it is a natural and legitimate response to the occupation’s crimes and attacks against the Palestinian people and its sanctities.

Commenting on the double heroic operation, the Free Movement said: “The heroic operations carried out by the revolutionaries of our people and the heroes of the resistance are a message to the occupation that it will pay a hefty price for its aggression in the depths of the entity.”

The movement pointed out that “this heroic operation is a new slap in the face of the Zionist security system, and confirmation that the occupation’s crimes and aggression will not stop the resistance and will not extinguish its spark, but will remain continuous, escalating, and its blows qualitative.”

The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement said: “The double heroic Tel Aviv operation is a new blow to the resistance before which the security of the temporary Zionist entity collapses, revealing its fragility and weakness.”

The Mujahideen Movement stressed that the Palestinian people are determined to protect the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque with blood and fire, by igniting the true revolutionary state in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The movement added that “today’s operation confirms the message of integration between fronts and fields to repel aggression against Jerusalem, sanctities and our steadfast patient people.”

The Resistance Committees in Palestine also said: “The Tel Aviv operation is a strong slap in the face and a breach of Zionist security, confirming that vengeance for the women, sit-ins and worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque has not ended and will never end until the purification of our sanctities and the uprooting of this Zionist fascism from our land.”

It explained that “the Tel Aviv operation represents the ability of the Palestinian resistance fighter to execute, hide and inflict losses in the ranks of the Zionist entity, to prove again the inability of the Zionist enemy to confront our people and our brave resistance.”

Israel is Confused:

Despite the Zionist escalation in Gaza and southern Lebanon, anxiety dominates the situation of the temporary entity. Recent meetings of the Netanyahu government, military and security leaders recommended responding in a measured manner without opening the door to full confrontation, and avoiding being dragged into prolonging this round of confrontation.

There are multiple interpretations of this Israeli fear, perhaps the most prominent determinant of which is the internal crisis sweeping the enemy Zionist entity and demands to overthrow the Netanyahu government and his extremist party. Add to that a stronger reason related to the readiness of Hezbollah in Lebanon for confrontation, as well as the Palestinian factions in Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere. Therefore, the Israelis are experiencing a state of weakness and humiliation that they have not witnessed for years. They realize that being dragged into an open battle will not be in their favor at all.

Zionist media outlets launched a scathing attack on Netanyahu, saying that Hamas announced its war against “Israel” by linking the Gaza Strip and shelling from Lebanon, and the Jordan Valley operation. They added that it succeeded in “embarrassing Tel Aviv, holding it while it is weak and confused.”

In a fiery statement, chairman of the “Israel is Our Home” party, Avigdor Lieberman, commented on the Jordan Valley operation, saying: “These days are very harsh.” He added that Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to spread weakness and defeatism and destroys Israeli deterrence, according to Israeli media reports.

Solidarity stands:

In the context of this escalation, Hezbollah organized solidarity stands on Friday in support of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque in front of mosques and husseiniyas in several areas of the southern suburbs of Beirut, amid wide and remarkable participation of figures and crowds chanting slogans in support of the Palestinian cause and condemning Zionist attacks and violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque and sanctities.

The stands affirmed that what the Zionists have done is a serious violation of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, hurts the feelings of all Muslims, and provokes all the free people in the world. The participants chanted slogans calling for “death to Israel, death to America”, “with our soul and blood we redeem you, O Al-Aqsa”, and “millions of martyrs are going to Jerusalem”.

The stands stressed the need to confront the Zionist arrogance and end its continuous attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites in occupied Jerusalem, considering that any attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque is an attack on all Muslims.

The participants called for uniting efforts and ranks to support the Palestinian resistance in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites, praising the heroic operations carried out by the resistance fighters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in response to the Zionist aggression.

The stands called on all free and honorable people in the world to move and express solidarity with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, and to pressure their governments to stop supporting the Zionist entity, which has been violating international laws and human values.

The participants raised the flags of Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, flags of “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah”, as well as pictures of the martyrs of the resistance.

The stands emphasized adherence to the constant principles of the Palestinian cause as an issue of an occupied land and a persecuted people, stressing the essential right of Palestinians to practice all forms of resistance against the Zionist occupation according to international laws and conventions that guarantee peoples’ right to self-determination and resistance against occupation.


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