Leader of Yemen’s Revolution Addresses Saudi Arabia’s Role in the Conflict

In his latest speech commemorating the anniversary of the Al-Sarkha against oppressors, the leader of Yemen’s revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, clarified the current situation of the confrontation with the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression. He removed all media distortions that the enemy tried to present to the public during the past months.

As a preface to explaining these details, the leader clarified the nature of the Saudi position on the Yemeni file, stating that Saudi Arabia’s resort to a truce came within the “margin” of movements allowed by the United States for its clients in the region, after its failure to achieve a decisive victory. He emphasized that “the Saudi and Emirati position has not yet exceeded the square of American and British orientations.”

This announcement from the leader comes as a way to provide fixed standards for everyone, in order to close the door to any attempts by enemies to draw a different picture of reality, as happened during the past months. The aggressor countries and their sponsors talked more about their support for peace efforts in Yemen, while continuing to procrastinate in implementing legitimate demands, revealing their lack of sincere intentions towards a solution.

In this context, the leader explained that the Americans and the British seek to prevent the achievement of true peace, which includes implementing fair entitlements for the Yemeni people, and they want to continue the war and siege, depriving the Yemeni people of their national wealth and controlling the islands and regional waters. He stressed that the way out of this situation is through the basic determinants represented in “stopping the aggression, ending the siege and occupation, addressing the files of prisoners, compensation, and reconstruction,” especially after the aggressor’s failure to achieve its goals.

Based on these facts, the leader evaluated the overall situation of the truce period from its beginning until now, confirming that “the state of aggression is ongoing in all its forms, and what has been reduced in some aspects is only a tactic of aggression, not a direction towards peace.”
The leader shed light on many of the data in this evaluation, including the obstacles that the aggressor put in front of the peace efforts sponsored by Oman, stating that “as soon as the Omani efforts began to reach certain solutions, the Saudis came to talk about themselves as mediators,” describing this situation as a “joke” because “the whole world knows that the one who declared himself as the leader of the coalition in the war on our country is Saudi Arabia.”

Continued Targeting Means Continued Resistance:

Amid the revealed commitment to the US-UK direction that rejects peace, the revolutionary leader directed several direct and essential messages about the national stance, putting the aggressive countries and their sponsors responsible for their choices and their consequences.

From these messages, a general message was addressed by Sayyid Houthi to all parties of the enemy and “to the entire world” that “the continued targeting of our country means continuing to resist this aggression and its conspiracy with all our capabilities” and that “no one can justify the continuation of the siege, occupation, and avoidance of the correct exit from the aggression against our country”; in short, the enemy’s insistence on its current position will lead to a national counter-movement at all levels, and any attempt to prolong the current situation under any pretext has no value; because it is impossible to allow the enemy to impose a state of neither war nor peace.

In this context, the revolutionary leader reiterated that the opportunity given to Omani mediation efforts “will not continue indefinitely, while others believe they are buying time to implement conspiracies”; an additional confirmation that the intentions of the aggression regarding the truce do not include any direction towards peace but more aggressive conspiracies.

To reinforce this message, the revolutionary leader affirmed that “the enemies will realize their bad consequences and wrong bets as they were in previous years”, asserting that the aggressive countries and their sponsors are committing the same mistake they have made several times, which is underestimating the position and strength of Sana’a.

There is No Security for Saudi Arabia Except with Fair Peace in Yemen:

The revolutionary leader directed specific messages to Saudi Arabia, which tried to exploit peace efforts negatively; to promote positive and illusory propaganda about itself, and claimed in its media that resorting to a truce in Yemen was an independent decision unrelated to America, where the al-Sayyid said that Riyadh must prove this alleged independence by “dealing fairly” and implementing peace entitlements and demands!

Al-Sayyid al-Houthi followed this test – which became clear that Saudi Arabia does not want to undergo it initially – with a strong warning, affirming that “Saudi Arabia cannot bring peace, security, and stability to itself and achieve its economic ambitions except with the peace of the Yemeni people and lifting the siege on them”; this clearly means that the risks threatening the security, stability, and economy of the Saudi regime continue to exist.

Sayyid al-Houthi continued in the same context, saying: “If others imagine that they will be immune from the effects and consequences of their aggression and siege, they are delusional” confirming that: “The extent of our people’s suffering and deprivation of their wealth cannot continue indefinitely without accountability, and this policy in dealing with our country cannot be accepted.”

This level of warning and alert indicates the presence of carefully considered strategic equations; to put an end to the enemy’s procrastination and evasion, which must quickly realize its position before it is too late.

We will protect all sovereign resources militarily:

The leader of the revolution addressed in his messages and warnings the movements of the enemies in the occupied provinces and regions, where he confirmed that “military action will be taken against any attempt to loot the wealth of our people in any province of Yemen.”

He announced the equation of protecting resources “will not be limited to oil and gas, but will include all sovereign resources, including minerals,” stressing that “any contracts with mercenaries and traitors are meaningless and illegal.”

This announcement responds sternly to all attempts by the enemies to pressure Sana’a to allow the enemy and its mercenaries to loot national resources, which the enemies expressed clearly during the recent Security Council session.

The announcement of expanding the scope of the equation of protecting resources confirms previous messages, in which the leader clarified that Sana’a will not stand idly by in the face of continued targeting of the country and failure to implement the demands and entitlements of the Yemeni people.

No value for any measures within the occupation conspiracies:

In a related context, the leader of the revolution directed a stern message to the enemy and its mercenaries regarding their suspicious movements in the occupied provinces, including the announcement and taking of escalatory measures targeting the unity of Yemeni territories, where the leader confirmed that “no measures can be accepted in the context of the enemies’ conspiracies against our people,” warning that “the current situation is one of aggression, and in the occupied provinces, there is occupation, and whoever raises his voice under the occupier’s voice becomes a matter of movement within what the occupier wants, not a responsible movement for our people,” and “what is done within the context of the occupier’s conspiracies is worthless and not a free and responsible position, and we deal with it on this basis.”

He reminded that all parties of mercenaries and traitors have no decision, including their top leaders who are subject to the orders of Saudi and Emirati intelligence officers, as well as Americans and British.

The Quranic project today is stronger:

In reinforcement of all previous messages and confirmations, the leader of the revolution concluded his historic speech by calling on the Yemeni people to “continue their efforts to confront the aggression and be prepared for all possibilities at any moment and any time.”

He confirmed that the Quranic liberation project, on which the national position is based on all issues, “has become stronger than any previous stage, despite the size of the targeting it has been subjected to since the beginning,” and that the title of this project, which is represented by the Al-Sarkha in the face of the arrogant, was and will remain present in all principled positions that have not and will not be shaken by temptation or intimidation.

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