Officials at the Ministry of Health: The single destination of Sana’a Airport and the limited number of flights exacerbate the humanitarian crisis and patients’ suffering


Posted on July 11, 2023

Ansarollah website – Sana’a


Officials at the Ministry of Public Health and Population confirmed today, Tuesday, that the restriction of Sanaa International Airport to one destination (Jordan) and the limited flights exacerbate the humanitarian crisis and the suffering of patients.

The head of the Supreme Medical Committee, Dr. Mutahar Al-Darwish, confirmed to Al-Masirah that only 10% of the patients who cannot be treated in Yemen are able to travel in light of the siege on Sana’a airport, and the only destination is Jordan.

He explained that the cost of treatment abroad ranges between 30 thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars, and these amounts cannot be afforded by patients, pointing out that the aggression coalition prevents the entry of medical personnel into Yemen to provide assistance and save thousands of patients who are unable to travel.

He noted that 60,000 patients who cannot be treated in Yemen are registered in the Supreme Medical Committee and the same number in medical centers, and the number is increasing with the continuation of the blockade.

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