Yemeni President Al-Mashat Delivers Speeches on Current Issues

In two speeches delivered during his visit to the provinces of Amran and Saada at the end of last week, Yemeni President Mahdi Al-Mashat addressed many issues of the current stage through which the battle to confront the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression is passing. He revealed an advanced missile experiment that confused enemy forces at sea, carried out in conjunction with the continuation of operations to protect national wealth.

The president confirmed readiness to enter into a military escalation to extract employee salaries, in case efforts to resolve that the United States of America is trying to thwart and implement an aggressive plan managed by its embassy in Riyadh a large part of it, through a program of attraction and deception, parallel to it escalating movements on the ground.

The president warned that it will be met with decisive military responses, directing through all this a comprehensive message that Yemen is proceeding in the path of liberation and victory, and that this path will break all power trying to stop it, whether military or soft.

After a month of announcing his orientation towards conducting experiments for advanced weapons to some Yemeni islands, the president revealed during his speech in Amran Governorate that the missile force succeeded days ago in testing “its best technologies”, through an experiment he confirmed that it “confused foreign forces in the Red Sea.”

The implementation of this experiment and its announcement at a time when American forces are flowing into the Red Sea sends a clear message that Yemen is proceeding in imposing sovereignty equations on all national geography, and that all enemy attempts to restrict national military options will not succeed, and that enemies’ insistence on ignoring the fact that Sana’a possesses advanced capabilities and independent decision-making for their use will put them in confrontation with variables whose least effects are “confusing” all their plans.

Parallel to the missile experiment, the president revealed that Sana’a “fought a fierce confrontation last week with two ships that came to Aden port to loot Yemeni gas and forced them to retreat 4 times,” confirming that “the companies owning the two ships (Cinmar Gene) and (Boulevard) were informed that they would be hit if they entered to loot gas from Aden port,” he added: “We are ready to do so.”

This announcement also carries a clear message to the aggressive coalition countries and their sponsors that the equation for protecting national wealth is fixed, and any attempts to exploit reducing escalation in order to open gaps for continuing looting oil and gas will collide with high vigilance and great readiness for action; which means in turn that all enemy hopes of returning the situation is as it was before it no longer has a place, but clinging to these hopes may raise the level of collision with vigilance and readiness of armed forces; which may lead to wider repercussions.

In light of the facts confirmed by previous messages and warnings, which summarize that the liberation battle is still ongoing and that Sana’a continues to enhance its strength and establish its equations on all battlefields, President Al-Mashat directed another direct message to aggression forces and their sponsors regarding the salary file, confirming that Sana’a “is ready to enter into military escalation to extract salaries and provide them for all employees of the Yemeni Republic,” and that “if basic issues are not resolved, then the solution will be with missiles and drones, and the enemy must know that.”

In addition to what he revealed about American embassy’s plan, president confirmed in his speech in Saada governorate that “enemies are heading these days towards destabilizing internal front,” and that there is “confirmed information that it targets impregnable castles of the Quranic march,” indicating that enemy attempts target “stirring up problems internally; In order to carry out escalation on military fronts while everyone is busy with internal situation,” confirming that this will not succeed.

This information revealed by president about enemies’ efforts and plans in current stage puts Yemeni people in picture of scene that aggression countries are trying to falsify, thus cutting off any attempts to open internal gaps that enemy clearly bets on a lot and deliberately procrastinates; for its sake. This warning includes a clear message for aggression countries, that all their movements and plans are under full monitoring, thus their intentions are completely exposed to leadership, and now to people; which means there is no room for continuing evasion and procrastination.

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