Yemen Reaffirms Readiness to Engage in Battle for Palestine Based on Developments

Sanaa has renewed its affirmation of its presence in the scene of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle and its readiness to deal with its variables, according to what the facts on the ground require. On Wednesday, the Supreme Political Council announced that Yemen will not stand idly by in the face of the genocide crimes committed by the Zionist occupation army against the Palestinian people with American support. It confirmed that the enemy’s crossing of red lines necessitates Sanaa to carry out its responsibilities, as announced by the leader of the revolution at the beginning of the events. This was met by the United States mobilizing the mercenaries of the aggression internally in order to obstruct any Yemeni move in support of the Palestinian resistance, in a position that reveals again the reality that the aggression project on Yemen is linked to the security of the Zionist entity.

Supreme Political Council: Yemen Will Not Stand Idly By

The Supreme Political Council stated in a statement late last week that: “The enemy’s crossing of red lines necessitates Yemen to carry out its religious and moral duty towards it,” in clear reference to what the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi, had announced at the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, when he said: “Yemen is ready to participate militarily with missiles and drones and with effective military options if the United States intervenes directly in Palestine, or if the Zionist enemy crosses red lines in the Gaza Strip.”

The Supreme Political Council added that “Sanaa is closely monitoring the situation, and will not stand idly by in the face of the war of genocide against our people in Gaza.”

The Zionist entity does not hide its concern about Yemen entering the battle line within the resistance axis, given the advanced capabilities and long-range weapons that the armed forces now possess and excel at using, as well as the strategic location that gives Yemen a strong card if the conflict expands.

Hebrew media outlets have continued in recent days to refer to the warnings of the national leadership in Sanaa as a potential development that could happen at any moment.

The Supreme Political Council’s affirmations come after declaring a state of alert, and amid a comprehensive national support campaign in which the Yemeni people continue to confirm their supportive stances for the Palestinian people and their resistance through mass attendance in public squares and also through financial contributions to the declared donation campaign.

US Readies Mercenaries for Escalation in Defense of “Israel”

In contrast, the United States, the greatest supporter of the Zionist entity in its ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people, has resorted to mobilizing its domestic arms in Yemen and rallying them with the aim of moving against Sanaa and obstructing any potential steps the leadership might take to support the Palestinian resistance in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle.

In this context, the spokesman for the Salvation Government, Minister of Information Dhaifallah al-Shami, explained that “with the escalation of events in Palestine and American concerns about expanding the circle of confrontation, preparations are underway for the aggression mercenaries in Yemen within the framework of mobilizing them to wage a battle in Yemen to hinder any steps or options to support our brothers in Palestine.”

Al-Shami added in a tweet on X platform that “the visits and meetings of American military officials with mercenary leaders and their statements that they will be guardians of Yemeni waters and their field preparations all fall within this framework.” This is a reference to the visit of so-called Chief of Staff of the mercenaries, Sagheer bin Aziz, to the United States and his return from it to mobilize in some border and coastal fronts.

Previously, a member of Ansar Allah’s Political Bureau, Fadl Abu Talib, had revealed that the United States had instructed mercenary Sagheer bin Aziz with the task of moving against Sanaa if the latter decides to take steps to participate in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle within coordination with the resistance axis.

The Saudi intelligence-affiliated newspaper “Asharq Al-Awsat” confirmed what Sanaa had uncovered about the new role of the mercenaries. In a report days ago, it quoted what it called a “military source” in the ministry of defense of the traitors as saying that the focus of the mercenary forces at this stage is on Sanaa’s moves regarding the Palestinian issue.

The mercenary government has shown noticeable military mobilization in recent days through meetings, visits and statements by its military leaders that have clearly revealed intentions to escalate.

This is also confirmed by statements from the United States, which have clarified that it will work to obstruct any regional moves in support of the Palestinian resistance, and that it will take on the task of protecting the Zionist entity at the regional level. It is evident that it relies basically on the mercenaries to carry out this task in Yemen if the conflict expands.

This stance reaffirms clearly the reality of the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition project in Yemen, and the truth of the role played by the mercenaries in all their formations. There is no longer any doubt that the most prominent objectives of this project are to ensure the security of the Zionist entity and counter any liberationist move.

Lenderking Hints at Exploiting Humanitarian File as Blackmail Card

In tandem with the mercenaries’ mobilization, the United States hinted through its special envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, mid last week, at a threat regarding the use of the humanitarian file as pressure against Sanaa to prevent it from moving to support the Palestinian resistance.

Lenderking claimed in statements to the US Institute of Peace that he fears Yemen would be “dragged into another war”, in his words, and that this would affect what he called “gains from the truce” in reference to the limited air flights allowed to operate to and from Sanaa airport under the de-escalation understandings and the few ships allowed into Hodeidah port while the brutal blockade continues.

Lenderking said: “The discussions he held during his recent tour of the region on Yemen all touched on what is happening in Gaza and its effects.”

By linking the humanitarian entitlements to the situation in Palestine and the potential for Yemen’s participation in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, it is evident that the United States is hinting at using these entitlements as blackmail against Sanaa to prevent it from playing its role if the situation requires intervention to support the Palestinian resistance.

It is unsurprising that the United States would resort to blackmailing with the humanitarian entitlements of the Yemeni people regarding the position on Palestine. Washington is still using the humanitarian file as leverage against Sanaa to push it to back down from its firm stance on peace in Yemen.

Just as all the enemy’s and its mercenaries’ attempts to pressure Sanaa and influence its decisions failed during past years, they will not succeed now in any way regarding the principled position on the Palestinian issue. The national leadership continuously affirms that this stance is not up for negotiation and there is no room to respond to any pressures.

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