Gaza Deepens Enemy’s Defeat: Escalating Losses and ‘Zero’ Achievements

The Israeli army continues to suffer increasing losses, despite attempts to conceal the true extent of the damage. This comes in stark contrast to their inability to achieve any significant progress a week into the invasion of the Gaza Strip. The enemy entity had set objectives that have now become evidently unattainable. The enemy’s obstinacy and insistence on continuing its crimes are driven by its realization of the crushing defeat it cannot escape, even under the guise of a fictitious victory.

On Sunday, the Israeli occupation army admitted that the number of its soldiers and officers killed had reached 30 since the start of the ground operation in Gaza a week ago. The reality is that it did not begin to acknowledge the fall of its soldiers until last Wednesday, after the Palestinian resistance managed to destroy an armored vehicle and kill 11 soldiers in a single strike, which the spokesman of the occupation army described as “a painful incident unlike anything that has happened before.”

The occupation army acknowledged on Saturday evening the death of four soldiers, including a company commander, by Palestinian resistance fire in Gaza. The announced number of casualties in the occupation army since the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation has exceeded 346 soldiers and officers, in addition to a large number of settler casualties, which is estimated to have reached 1,500 during the early days of the battle.

These losses are considered “catastrophic” and earth-shattering for the enemy entity, which is no longer able to hide its shock despite its ongoing attempts to conceal the actual number of its casualties. Many of its officials, including its Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, a member of the “Emergency” government Benny Gantz, and Netanyahu himself, have stated in recent days that the occupation army is suffering “painful and harsh losses,” facing “difficult days,” and that the entity’s leaders “shed tears when they see the soldiers falling in Gaza.”

The Palestinian resistance has succeeded in deepening the enemy’s sense of shock and defeat by broadcasting high-quality and unprecedented scenes in the history of the conflict, showing the destruction of several military vehicles of the occupation army at point-blank range and their burning, and targeting gatherings of Zionist soldiers with drones.

The scene of burning some of the enemy’s vehicles reminded us of the scenes of the qualitative operations of the Yemeni Mujahideen in the battles of confronting the aggression, in a historical confirmation of the fact of the victory of the will of resistance and liberation over the advanced killing machine everywhere.

The spokesman for Ansar Allah, Mohammed Abdul Salam, commented on Sunday, saying that the image that showed the burning of Saudi vehicles in Yemen with a lighter, and the burning of Zionist armored vehicles with a lighter in Gaza, confirms that “the weapon of faith and trust in Allah is capable of making these weapons, despite their cost, worthless.”

It seems that the image of the inevitable defeat formed by the losses of the enemy’s army and the heroics of the resistance has become clear to everyone, even within the United States itself, where the “Wall Street Journal” quoted informed officials as saying that “Israeli soldiers are being killed in battle at more than double their death rate in the 2014 operation,” indicating that “resistance fighters appear to be more prepared and capable than when Israel invaded Gaza in 2014.”

This is also confirmed by the inability of the occupation army to talk about any clear achievement despite a week into its ground operation in Gaza. Despite the comprehensive and intensive aerial bombardment, the occupation’s forces and tanks have not been able to make any minor progress on the ground, and have not been able to hinder the resistance’s ability to launch rockets and drones towards various settlements and outposts in the occupied territories. In fact, the resistance fighters are still carrying out encircling operations and infiltrating behind enemy lines, which clearly indicates that there is no chance for “Netanyahu” to achieve any victory.

This conviction seems to have reached even the Israeli interior, which witnessed large protests in Tel Aviv and in front of “Netanyahu’s” residence itself in occupied Al-Quds on Saturday, against the backdrop of the failure to release prisoners held by the resistance, the inability to achieve any victory in the confrontations, as well as the resounding fall that occurred on the seventh of October, which made the settlers face the reality of their cardboard army and their helpless government, a matter that will not be easily overcome.

In summary, all the data – whether in Gaza, inside the occupied territories, or at the regional level – confirm that the occupation entity is experiencing a historic defeat from which it will not recover, and its brutal crimes will not be able to cover it up or prevent its repercussions on its short future.

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