Border Guard forces carry out military maneuver called “Al-Aqsa Flood”

The commands of the 3rd Brigade, the 415th Brigade, and the 191st Border Guard Brigade carried out on Monday a military maneuver called “Al-Aqsa Flood,” on the occasion of the graduation of battalions of their members from special forces courses, under the auspices of the Commander of the Border Guard Forces, Major General Moawad Al-Omari.

The military maneuver began with a review of a map of the operation’s path plans to be applied practically by graduates of the Border Guard battalions who received practical training for a long period, to develop their military and combat skills and capabilities.

During the maneuver, the drones participated in bombing the enemy’s designated targets, while the missile force destroyed the hypothetical enemy positions, and the artillery then combed the hypothetical Zionist enemy positions from several paths and a large geographical area in the mountains, military barracks, and valleys.

While the border guard forces carried out their specific tasks in the military operation against the virtual enemy with various types of weapons, and with the participation of infantry, snipers, media and military ambulances in a known and limited manner.

After the attack, these forces were able, through several paths and according to the prepared and drawn plans, to overthrow the hypothetical enemy positions, lower the flag of the Zionist enemy, and raise the Yemeni and Palestinian flags.

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