Palestinian Health: 35 thousand wounded people need treatment, and the reason is the collapse of the health system


Published on November 28, 2023

Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

The repercussions of the barbaric Zionist war on Gaza Strip continue to weigh heavily on the health sector, as Palestinian Health Minister Mai Al-Kaila reported that 470 wounded from the Strip have been received so far in Egyptian hospitals.

During her inspection of the wounded in Egyptian hospitals, Minister Alkaila expressed her hope that coordination would be made for the discharge of more wounded in the coming days.

She pointed out that 35,000 wounded people from Gaza Strip are in need of treatment, praising the Egyptian efforts, especially the Ministry of Health, which is constantly communicated with, and which has harnessed its capabilities to receive them.

She also touched on the devastated health system in Gaza Strip due to the aggression, saying: There are 26 hospitals out of 35 that are out of service as a result of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip.

The Minister of Health also explained that the death toll has so far reached 16,000 martyrs, 35,000 wounded, and 6,000 missing, stressing that Gaza Strip needs a lot of humanitarian, relief and medical aid.

She stressed the need to bring aid into Gaza Strip, which suffers from a severe scarcity of nutrition and rations, and a lack of medicines and medical supplies,operating the dialysis department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex In parallel.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that it was able to restart the dialysis department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex. She said in a press statement yesterday evening, Monday, that despite the massive destruction caused by the occupation to the infrastructure during its aggression against Shifa Medical Complex, the Ministry was able to restart the dialysis department with “exceptional” efforts.

The Ministry called on all dialysis patients in Gaza and its north to go to Al-Shifa Medical Complex to receive the service. Al-Shifa Medical Complex is one of the largest health institutions in Gaza Strip.


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