Sayyid Al-Houthi warns from any American aggression on Yemen

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, confirmed that the Zionist enemy is targeting the Palestinian people with all means of extermination, through killing by all brutal means, starvation, siege, and prevention of food and medicine.

Sayyid Al-Houthi clarified in a speech today, regarding the latest developments in Palestine, that for 75 days, the Jewish Israeli Zionist enemy continues its aggression on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, committing the most heinous crimes.

He added that the enemy’s army has made Gaza’s hospitals main declared targets for its ground operations and announced military operations on Al-Shifa Hospital and others in an unprecedented behavior. He pointed out that the countries that usually fight declare strategic and military bases as their targets, but the Israeli enemy shamelessly declares hospitals as its target.

He said: The Israeli enemy targeted everyone in Gaza’s hospitals, from patients and wounded to medical staff, and presented this as a military achievement to boast about. It also targeted gatherings of displaced people, even in UNRWA schools, and did not care that they are under the protection of the United Nations and targeted them repeatedly and shamelessly.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that the Israeli enemy continues in its brutality, and when it fails in a field battle, it resorts to random shelling of civilians in the Gaza Strip. He added that the state of starvation in Gaza has reached the level of recording deaths from hunger, and the complete prevention of the arrival of medicines in a very heinous crime.

He noted Zionists also went on targeting infants and premature babies lying in the intensive care departments of hospitals, in a criminal tendency that expresses the reality of the Jewish Zionists.

Sayyid Al-Houthi continued: The Jewish Zionists are a block of intense hatred, hostility, and crime, completely devoid of all human feelings and all human emotions. He explained that the Americans are partners with the Zionists in all their crimes from the first moment, as they sent their military experts for management and planning and provided them with thousands of destructive bombs.

America and Britain are complicit in the war on Gaza

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stated: “America and Britain are partners in the aggression on Gaza. The Americans have provided the Zionists with weapons internationally prohibited and have given them financial support to fund military operations and sent reconnaissance aircraft for informational contribution. With all forms of military and financial support, the Americans have provided political support to the enemy entity and protection in the regional environment of Palestine.

Sayyid Al-Houthi explained that America has directed the threat to all countries of the region from any cooperation with the Palestinian people, with the aim of securing for the Zionists the sufficient conditions to commit massacres in Gaza without objection from anyone. He added that even at the level of introducing food and medicine and delivering it to the Palestinian people in Gaza, nothing enters except after American and Israeli approval.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that when we see the tragic scenes of thousands of children and women who were killed by American bombs and the severe state of hunger, the people must remember the American contribution to all this. He pointed out that the American is another arm of global Jewish Zionism, which the American president boasts and declares his affiliation with, and he moves from that premise.

He continued saying: “Those who move in America to support Israel in what it does to the Palestinian people are the American Zionists, the Jewish Zionist lobby that moves America even in what exceeds its interests.

Sayyid Al-Houthi affirmed that the American has turned its bases in the region to be a support for the Zionist enemy, and all its weapons stores, even those in the Arab countries, have been harnessed to support the Israeli. He explained that every decision under the title of a ceasefire in the United Nations is objected to by America and insists on the continuation of killing and crimes in Gaza.

He pointed out that the America, who presented itself under the title of being the sponsor of peace in the Middle East, objects to any decision to cease fire in Gaza and insists on killing civilians. Also, the American prevents any movement to protect civilians in Palestine, and hinders any efforts to provide what the Palestinian people need from food and medicine.

He pointed out that America and Israel are both an arm of global Jewish Zionism, which targets the Islamic nation and the human community with its brutal conspiracies. He said: “America and Israel are both an arm of global Jewish Zionism, which targets the Islamic nation and the human community with its brutal conspiracies.

The leader of the revolution explained that the British movement, which had the precedence in establishing the Zionist entity from the beginning, continues today in supporting the Zionist enemy. He said: “We also see in the support of the Zionists the movement of some European countries, including France, Italy, and Germany, each of which has a black history and a heinous criminal record.

He added that the regimes and governments that support the enemy entity have a black criminal record, and are known for their moral and value bankruptcy, and they have deleted morals and values from their political dictionary. He explained that when the Zionist lobby moves the Western systems, it makes them deny even liberal values, so they move as if they are crazy without any human values.”

The Islamic Nation Must Have a Serious Stand Towards this Israeli Aggression:

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, affirmed that the responsibility is great in the Islamic world, and the responsibility is on all Muslims today considering Palestine as part of them at the level of geography and people. He said: “The duty of Muslims today is to take a serious, practical, and effective stand with a sincere orientation to support the Palestinian people.

He pointed out that some Arab countries have cut off their relations with Western countries because of a “word” in describing their behaviors or insulted a king or prince. He explained that the countries that act harshly against any Arab or Muslim country, we see them in a state of complete lethargy towards the major issues of the nation such as the oppression of the Palestinian people.

He pointed out that these countries have reached the point of being preoccupied with dancing and singing, dog competitions, and very trivial things, and ignoring the major massacres in Palestine. He said: “Sometimes, ugly voices appear in the Arab countries to blame the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen and offend any supportive position for them.

Sayyid Al-Houthi said: “The Arab countries did not suffice to disclaim responsibility in supporting the Palestinian people, but they have become gloating over them and their Mujahideen, offending them, and distorting any support for them. He added that we are not waiting for America and the European countries any positive role for the benefit of the Palestinian people, as they are always in a position of injustice, tyranny, arrogance, and plundering of peoples.

Sayyid Al-Houthi emphasized that the major responsibility for what the Palestinian people suffer falls on the shoulders of the Islamic world and Muslims in all over the world, that they have a voice and a position. He explained that the responsibility of Muslims towards Palestine is to take a serious stand and to provide all forms of support to the Palestinian people materially and militarily, and this is their duty.

The leader of the revolution wondered, saying: “If the American and the European came from the end of the world to cooperate with the unjust occupier, then why does not our nation stand by virtue of its affiliation and interests with the oppressed Palestinian people?

The global position towards the aggression on Gaza:

Sayyid Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, explained that the position at the general level, including the Riyadh summit, was a weak position, just statements in which there is a demand and everything ends after the statement. He pointed out that the axis of resistance stands at the level of military, media, popular support, and going out in marches, but in some Arab countries, even demonstrations were banned.

Sayyid Al-Houthi said: “Is there a scholarly movement for those who used to issue ‘fatwas’ on the obligation of jihad if the matter was a sedition in Syria or targeting the Yemeni or Iraqi people and others? Where is the scholarly voice that issues a fatwa on the obligation of jihad in support of the Palestinian people? What justifies for them this silence, neglect, and even blaming the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen?

The honorable position of the Yemeni people towards Palestine:

Regarding the Yemeni position, both popular and official, Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, confirmed that the  Yemeni people moved to take the correct position at all levels and announced the provision of all possible forms of support for the Palestinian people.

Sayyid Al-Houthi said, “Our dear people moved in their correct position to declare war on the Jewish Israeli Zionist enemy, and moved their missile and drone power to target the Zionist enemy. They also moved militarily in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea to prevent the movement of Israeli ships and ships associated with Israel from reaching supplies for the Israelis.

He added: “We have submitted a public request to the countries that geographically separate us from occupied Palestine to open land crossings for hundreds of thousands of our people to move to Palestine. He pointed out that the Yemeni people continue to make financial donations to the Palestinian people despite the very difficult living conditions because we are basically a besieged people and we are still in a state of war.

Sayyid Al-Houthi affirmed the clarity of the Yemeni position politically and media-wise, and all our media front moved fundamentally to support the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen. He said: “Compare between our media and the media of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and the mercenaries, with the simplest comparison, the vast difference in supporting the Palestinian cause becomes clear.

He explained that the millions of the  Yemeni people go out every Friday to express their clear positions and repeat the Al-Sarkha slogan in the face of the arrogant.

The leader of the revolution affirmed that the Yemeni people moved to take the correct position at all levels and announced the provision of all possible forms of support for the Palestinian people. They moved in their correct position to declare war on the Jewish Israeli Zionist enemy, and moved their missile and drone power to target the Zionist enemy.

He pointed out that the Yemeni military movement in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea came to prevent the movement of Israeli ships and ships associated with Israel that reach supplies for the Israelis.

He said: “The consensus of the Yemeni people in their position towards the aggression on Yemen was not at the level of consensus towards the Palestinian cause and support for the Mujahideen of Gaza. He added that the matter is not a movement that concerns a certain group of the Yemeni people, but an official and popular movement that expresses the will of the people even in the occupied governorates.

He added: “If some positions deviate from supporting the Palestinian cause from the mercenaries, they do not represent the Yemeni people because the matter is clear in all parts of the country. He said: “We do what we can and strive to reach what is greater and do what is more severe against the Zionist enemy.

The pursuit to develop the military capabilities of the armed forces:

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, confirmed the pursuit during these days to develop the military capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces. He revealed that 4 countries, including Arab ones, and military powers in addition to the enemy entity, are trying to prevent our drones and missiles from reaching their targets.

The shamful stance of ome Arab countries with the Zionist enemy:

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, expressed his regret for the enlistment of some Arab countries with the Zionist enemy by mobilizing their military capabilities to protect it from Yemeni missiles instead of moving them to protect the Palestinian people. He affirmed the work on developing Yemen’s military capabilities to overcome any obstacles, and to do what is greater to rise to the level of responsibility and meet the desire and hope of our people in supporting Palestine.

He affirmed that Yemen’s position is against the Israeli enemy and Yemen did not target any other country other than the Zionists, noting their patience of the interception operations carried out by some Arab countries. Our goal and direction is to support the Palestinian people, the residents of Gaza, and their Mujahideen, and this is a right and legitimate position, Sayyid Houthi affirmed.

He said: “The American, the British, and those with them come to our region and our seas and support the Zionist enemy in his crimes, then they condemn the movement of others in the humanitarian position. He added that the unjust criminal position is the American-British position, and the situation has reached the point where some American officials have resigned after feeling ashamed of what America is doing.

Yemenis are the most supportive people in the world for Palestine:

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, explained that demonstrations went out in America, France, and Britain to condemn the official direction there, as this direction is what contradicts the interests and values of the peoples. He said: “It is a disgrace for America, Britain, France, Italy, and all countries to stand with the Zionist enemy in killing children, women, and his very heinous crimes.

Sayyid Al-Houthi reiterated the affirmation that the position of our people is the honorable position and the correct position that is consistent with the religious and humanitarian responsibility of our people. He said: “We are not ashamed of our position, but we strive to reach it to the furthest possible extent without embarrassment or hesitation, and we see it as a position that deserves sacrifices no matter what they are.

He said: “If the American wants to subjugate the peoples of our nation to remain spectators to the crimes of extermination in Gaza, then our people have decided not to surrender, not to kneel, and not to retreat from their position.

He added that some ignorant and lowly people were mocking the position of our people in the sea, until the Zionist enemy was upset by it and screamed from its impact on his economy. He explained that America and the arms of the Zionist lobby all scream from the position of our people in preventing Israeli ships from crossing in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

America is putting out false calims about Yemen’s targeting of ships in the red sea:

Sayyid Al-Houthi assured that the maritime routes in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden remain open for the safe passage of commercial vessels. He emphasized that their operations do not pose a threat to global shipping.

Al-Houthi clarified that their exclusive target, as publicly declared through media and diplomatic channels, are Israeli ships or those associated with Israel. He elaborated that they specifically target vessels that are either owned by Israelis, partially owned by them, or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine carrying supplies for the Zionist enemy.

He underscored that their maritime operations do not target any other vessels and do not disrupt international navigation. Their actions are solely aimed at the Israeli enemy in a bid to support the oppressed Palestinian people.

Al-Houthi also issued a call to all Arab nations, urging them to refrain from involvement and to allow the United States and Israel to engage in direct conflict with them. He stated, “If the Arabs wish to applaud the Americans, let them do so. If they wish to dance on the remains of the victims, let them dance. However, they should not participate with the Americans in their war against us.”

Sayyid Houthi Warns from any American targeting of Yemen:

Sayyid Al-Houthi warned that if the United States sends its troops to Yemen, they will face a harsher situation than what they encountered in Afghanistan and suffered in Vietnam. He stated that the Americans should not assume that they can strike here or there and then send mediators to calm the situation.

Al-Houthi pointed out that if the Americans get involved, they are truly entangled. He advised the Americans to understand that the Zionists in America are trying to involve them in matters that are not in their interest but serve Israel. He said, “We rely on Allah and trust in Him. He is the Lord of the worlds and the helper of the oppressed. We have set out to support the truth, embodying Allah’s command and His true promise.”

The leader of the revolution explained that what the Americans are doing at sea is currently a loss. They launch a missile worth two million dollars to counter a drone worth a thousand dollars. He clarified that we have a long breath, thanks to Allah, to confront the enemy and stand firm in the face of aggressions. Our people have stood for nine years in the face of a major aggression. He affirmed that our people grow stronger the more they are fought, and the more the enemies attack them, they develop their military capabilities to confront them.

He said, “The enemy should not hope that it is possible to subdue the Yemenis. Our position is firm. We advise others to be cautious about getting involved with the Americans and to leave him to involve himself.” He addressed the European countries by saying, “Your ships that do not go to the enemy entity are not in danger, but when you get involved with the Americans, you are risking your interests in every sense of the word.” He expressed his hope from the Islamic world in light of the continued American and Israeli tyranny on Gaza to review their accounts and adopt stronger positions than they are on.

Moreover, he praised the Malaysian position that prevented one of the Zionist companies from its ports and prevented it from practicing any activity in its ports. He addressed the steadfastness of the brothers in Gaza by saying, “Your steadfastness is great. It expresses a faith-based will and Mujahideen who rely on Allah and trust in Him and believe in their cause and have the morals that qualify them for steadfastness and dedication.”

Praise for the Mujahideen of Gaza (You are the hope of victory and we are with you):

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, the leader of the revolution, confirmed that the Mujahideen in Gaza are strong and are killing Israeli soldiers. Perhaps this matter does not receive the media coverage it deserves, but it is an honorable matter that represents the hope of victory. He said, “You are not alone, for Allah is with you and He is the best of supporters. Our Yemeni people are with you in everything they can.”

In addition, he addressed the people and the Palestinian resistance, “The American position, the threat, and the threat from the American or anyone else will not deter us from our position alongside you, and all the free people of our nation are beside you. The axis of resistance is present in important and effective roles, Hezbollah is on a raging front north of Palestine alongside you, and all the peoples of the world who still have something of human conscience cheer for you and your oppression, and Allah is the best of supporters.”

He added, “Trust in Allah’s victory, no matter how far the enemy goes in his crimes, your steadfastness and jihad are the reason for the divine victory with your oppression and your suffering.” He pointed out that no matter what the American position is in support of the Zionist enemy, he is a loser by losing the Israeli, so no matter how great the suffering, the oppressed will win.

The leader of the revolution stressed that the position of the Yemeni people is continuing, and the correct position that all countries of the world should strive for is to demand a halt to the aggression on Gaza. He explained that the American seeks to protect Israeli ships because he wants the crimes in Gaza to continue, otherwise the correct solution is to stop the aggression and the siege on Gaza.

He explained that the American movement in the Red Sea is an illegal movement, but aggression, crime, thuggery, and a brutal behavior seeking to serve the Israelis.

Thanks to the loyal Yemeni people and a call to prepare for all possibilities:

Sayyid Al-Houthi addressed the Yemeni people, urging them to continue all activities in our country and be ready for all possibilities. He said, “Our dear people have adopted their position seriously and sincerely, not a tactical position, and the enemy must know what we mean by the faith-based position and the positions emanating from a faith-based standpoint.”

The leader of the revolution stressed that the Yemeni people will not hesitate and will not retreat from their position as a result of threats and pressures pouring on them. He pointed out that the American fought our people in humanitarian aid, even the food that was provided through the World Food Program, and yet he threatens more.

The leader of the revolution confirmed that no matter what the American does against our people, we rely on Allah and confront the American and prefer that the war be direct with the Americans and the Zionist enemy.

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