US Fails to Convince the World of Threats in the Red Sea: Abdul Salam

Mohammed Abdul Salam, the head of the national delegation, confirmed that the United States has failed to present a perception to the world that there are threats in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea through the formation of what is called the “Prosperity Guardian”. He stated that the US has not been able to convince the world that there are real threats targeting the Red Sea.

In an interview with the European channel “Euronews” last Wednesday, he said, “The American coalition failed before it saw the light of day.” He pointed out that American warships are fundamentally present in the Red Sea before the operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” and that there is nothing new actually on the operational reality in the Red Sea or in the Arabian Sea. He explained that this coalition is only for “Israel”, and that international corridors are safe and stable, and there are no problems in them, as evidenced by the fact that hundreds of ships cross from the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea every day.

He added that this coalition has no legitimacy, neither morally nor legally, indicating that the Yemeni naval forces communicate with the ships daily. The events that America wants to show and pull some companies to not pass through the Red Sea is a kind of blackmail for some countries in the world to enter this coalition, to protect Israel, and therefore this coalition failed; because it lacks the required legitimacy; because the Red Sea is safe and Bab al-Mandab is safe except for Israel.

He pointed out that America provides protection for Israel politically and militarily, in addition to providing logistical support, and the air bridge from the weapon to other support in the Security Council, believing that the countries that Washington announced their participation in the coalition have interests. He revealed that Sana’a has contacts with many countries and has confirmed that it is not present in the Red Sea, and that there are countries whose names were put inside this coalition told us that they will be present in Bahrain only; in order to communicate and coordinate with their ships with the warships that provide some kind of protection and coordination, and yet they confirm that their political position is against what is happening in Palestine, and they are with breaking the siege on Gaza, and they consider that the right way to end all this is to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Speaking about Bahrain’s role and participation in the American coalition, Abdul Salam stated, “Bahrain’s significance is more symbolic than substantial. It doesn’t possess any notable assets, either within its borders or abroad, even if we consider the presence of its naval force. It’s important to note that Washington leverages certain active countries in the region to portray Bahrain as a form of bait. This is done with the intention of demonstrating an Arab presence among the countries supporting it. In doing so, it seems as though Bahrain is relinquishing its responsibilities and sacrificing its reputation.”

He continued his speech, saying: “As for the reality, it has no effect in the sea or anywhere else, and we believe that its existence is like its absence.” He confirmed that there is a state of confusion among international companies; because of the American propaganda that tried to provoke the world, explaining that international companies were not prohibited from passing through the Red Sea, and that the only prohibited ones are Israeli ships or those owned by Israelis or participated in them, or any commercial ship that wants to go to the ports of the Israeli entity.

Furthermore, he sent a message to international shipping companies, saying: “We say to any company that wants to go to the usurping entity that it understands and respects Sana’a’s decision and takes its warnings seriously, and if it adheres to that, it will not be subjected to any kind of harassment or targeting.”

In response to whether Yemen fears the American response to its operations in the Red Sea, Mohammed Abdul Salam confirmed that the leadership in Yemen, as well as the Yemeni people when they took this position, they took it based on religious, moral, humanitarian, and national principles for this nation, and they know the consequences of this position, noting that any simple political reader knows that this position will have consequences and repercussions, and Sana’a has repeatedly announced that it realizes the consequences of its position, believing that more harmful and the most influential consequences will be if the Yemeni people neglect the war crimes that are happening in Palestine, especially Gaza.

Abdul Salam added that if Israel manages to eliminate Palestinian resistance, it threatens the national security of the entire nation. In such a case, Israel becomes the soldier of the region, making the countries of the region without any decision or concern for their economic and political affairs and their Arab identity that influences the world.

He continued, “In reality, we do not fear the reaction from any party as much as we fear neglecting such an issue in our position before Allah Almighty, our position before the generations, and our position before our Palestinian people.”

Abdul Salam denied allegations that Yemen closed the Bab al-Mandab Strait on orders from Tehran. He pointed out that there were military operations in the Red Sea and Emirati and Saudi ships were targeted. There is an Emirati ship named “Rawabi” that is detained in the Red Sea in Hodeidah, as a result of carrying out some logistical operations and transferring some military equipment between Yemen in the occupied areas to Saudi Arabia.

He affirmed that Yemen does not receive orders from Iran, and that the Yemeni people have the decision, and that the Yemeni people support this through mass rallies and even demand for more.

Abdul Salam affirmed that Ansar Allah operates independently and does not take directives from Tehran. He emphasized that Yemen, as an Arab Muslim nation, recognizes the severe injustice faced by Palestine under Israeli occupation. The people of Yemen firmly believe in their ability to defend their sacred beliefs. They are fully supportive of the Palestinian resistance and acknowledge their right to undertake military actions in fulfilling their duties. The Yemeni people consider it their moral obligation to support the Palestinian cause to the best of their abilities. Abdul Salam confirmed that Yemen’s commitment to supporting Palestine is a national decision, endorsed by the Yemeni leadership and backed by the Yemeni populace who express their solidarity in weekly public gatherings.

Regarding the Arab and international positions on what is happening in Gaza, Abdul Salam said: “The position at the popular level is very large, but at the level of elites associated with the regimes, it expresses the regimes, some of which unfortunately support Israel and share its goal in that it does not mind Israel’s goals in eliminating Hamas. There are completely different systems and they have a clear position, considering that what is happening in Gaza is a national and regional threat. He considered that these positions in general are not sufficient, and Arab regimes must take courageous positions, noting that not supporting Palestine is a dangerous position and will have its repercussions in the world. He confirmed that whoever neglects Palestine today will neglect any other country and any other issue and will neglect the Arab contract, and there will be no kind of Arab salvation, nor the Arab gathering, nor the Arab League, and all these names will become worthless as they are in fact today worthless.

In response to the impact of Yemeni operations on Israel, Abdul Salam confirmed that the impact was announced by the Americans and the Israelis, and it was announced by international commercial companies operating in maritime navigation. As for the Americans, they announced the danger of these actions and went to announce a new maritime alliance and tried and did not leave a country to  ask for their participation in this maritime alliance to protect Israel, why?; because it had a big impact on Israel.

Abdul Salam elaborated on the impact of these operations on Israel, explaining that the Israeli economy has started to feel the effects. The economic downturn and rising prices are a result of the blockade imposed by Yemen in the Red Sea. This has led to a shift in maritime routes and an increase in transportation and insurance costs. Israeli companies operating in the Red Sea have reported a 400% increase in costs compared to normal conditions.

He added, “We perceive the impact through our negotiations. We receive messages indicating the possibility of delivering aid to the Gaza Strip in response to requests from our Palestinian brethren. The Sultanate of Oman plays a role in facilitating the delivery of aid to Palestine and in seeking humanitarian solutions.”

Abdul Salam emphasized that Yemen’s stance is clear: they stand in solidarity with the Palestinians in this crucial battle until they achieve complete victory or meet their objectives by lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip.

In relation to the escalation of Yemen’s actions in tandem with the events in Gaza, Abdul Salam confirmed their readiness to take any necessary action. They are prepared to escalate their efforts based on the demands of the battle and its strategies, always in full coordination with the Palestinian brethren.

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