Yemeni Official Warns of Consequences for Any Hostile Actions Against Yemen

Abdul Malik Al-Ajri, a member of the national negotiating delegation, has issued a stern warning to the United States, stating that it would be the first to feel the heat of any hostile action against Yemen. He pointed out that Washington does not need to send its officials to the region to discuss the non-expansion of the conflict; the path to that is to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Al-Ajri wrote on the “X” platform that the US Secretary of State does not need a regional tour to convince the countries of the region not to expand the conflict. Neither we nor any of the countries in the region desire that, but the path to that is to stop the aggressive war on Gaza, as it is the fuse and the engine of the conflict.

The US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, is visiting the region these days under the title “Research on Non-Expansion of Conflict in the Region”. This title contradicts the behavior of the United States in the region, especially after the attack on the Yemeni naval forces and the assassination of a number of resistance leaders in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, in addition to the criminal bombings in Iran. These crimes represent a clear American-Israeli escalation against the entire region.

Al-Ajri stated that if the goal (of the US Secretary of State’s tour) is to prepare for any action against Yemen, then it is like pouring oil on the fire, and the Americans will be the first to be burned by it.

The national revolutionary, political, and military leadership has confirmed that any hostile action against Yemen by the United States will be met with a strong and painful response, and that the Yemeni people will not tolerate any aggression against them.

The national leadership continuously confirms that the crime of the American attack on the heroes of the Yemeni naval forces in the Red Sea will not pass without a strong, painful, and surprising response to the Americans. This is what Washington seems to be trying to avoid, by raising the titles of “Non-Escalation of Conflict in the Region”.

The head of the national delegation, spokesman for Ansar Allah, Mohammed Abdul Salam, said earlier that the insistence of the ruling elite in Washington to go far in supporting Israel against Gaza would make the region explode.

He added that America must bear the consequences of this stubbornness and realize that its militarization of the Red Sea will not prevent Yemen from continuing support operations for the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

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