Yemen’s Game-Changing Power of Submarines

The Yemeni Armed Forces have recently introduced submarines as a significant tool in their arsenal, marking a pivotal moment in their ongoing confrontation against the triad of adversaries: the United States, Britain, and Israel, in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.

Over the past few months, the Yemeni naval forces have utilized a variety of weapons against their enemies, including anti-ship ballistic missiles and drones. Despite the enemy’s claims of defense, these weapons have proven their effectiveness, as exemplified by the sinking of the British ship, Rubymar.

Observers of the ongoing developments have come to a firm conviction that the Yemeni naval forces possess many influential cards. The upcoming surprises will tip the balance in favor of Yemen’s forces and enhance Yemen’s position in the region. This is confirmed by the Americans and the British themselves, including the statement by the commander of the US Fifth Fleet, who affirmed that America alone cannot bear to confront Yemen in the Red Sea.

Returning to the subject of submarines, military expert Brigadier General Yahya Al-Mahdi states, “The entry of naval submarines into Yemeni military operations in the Red and Arabian Seas has major implications and strategic importance that will change the course of military operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, overturn the table, and change the equation.”

Al-Mahdi adds in an exclusive statement to “Al-Masirah” that “America and Britain, which possess the strongest weapons in the world, stood helpless to deter or prevent or shoot down Yemeni ballistic missiles, nor were they even able to protect their warships and destroyers that terrorized the world.” He points out that America and Britain have admitted their inability to confront Yemeni missiles, thanks to Allah Almighty.

Brigadier General Al-Mahdi continues, “If this is their state in the face of missiles, despite having the greatest modern technology with them, including reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft that are intercepted and shot down, they are weaker and more helpless against submarines.”

The submarine weapon is one of the Yemeni surprises. No one expected the Yemenis to possess this weapon, which means that Yemen has many capabilities and technologies that enable it to manufacture weapons that no one expects. The American-Saudi aggression, which has continued for more than eight years, has not been able to destroy Yemen’s military capabilities, but rather helped it innovate and manufacture until it reached this advanced stage.

Therefore, Yemen’s possession of submarine weapons is not a trivial matter. Only large and advanced countries possess this weapon. This in itself is a major challenge that will confront the enemies in the fierce battles in the Red and Arabian Seas. It will have a significant impact on targeting enemy warships, destroyers, and ships.

Brigadier General Al-Mahdi says, “This has major implications because America and Britain expect the Yemeni army to have more surprises that will break their backs, defeat them, and inflict defeat and disgrace on them at the global level at the hands of men who have fulfilled what they pledged to Allah, so they prepared the necessary equipment, and Allah supported them with His victory and empowerment.”

He explains that “this has implications that confirm that reliance on Allah Almighty and trust in Him; what will enable them to defeat their enemies no matter what deadly weapons they possess, and victory is only from Allah,” affirming that “the future of Yemen’s military will be the best and strongest at the level of the Arab homeland, Allah willing.”

This qualitative achievement comes within the continuous development of Yemeni military capabilities; as a result of the Zionist enemy’s escalation and its crimes on the Gaza Strip, and the continuation of the American-British aggression on Yemen as a result of their supportive position for Gaza, where its people are subjected to genocide by the Israeli enemy entity.

The leader revealed in his last speech about the targeting of the Yemeni Armed Forces for nearly 54 ships belonging to America, Britain, and “Israel” in the Red and Arabian Seas, a large number during a short period not exceeding five months. If the scope of the war and confrontation expands, the number is certainly expected to increase, especially with the entry of submarine weapons, or other weapons that will surprise friends and enemies.

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