Yemen Stands in Solidarity with Palestine: A Million-strong March in Sana’a

SANA’A, YEMEN – A massive demonstration took place in Seventy Square in the capital city of Sana’a yesterday, Friday afternoon. The march, titled “Our Operations Will Continue… Stop Your Aggression,” was held in support of Gaza, the Palestinian people, and their resistance against the Zionist enemy.

The crowd chanted slogans of freedom and disavowal from the enemies of the nation, affirming their readiness to engage in the promised battle of conquest and holy jihad against the forces of global aggression and tyranny.

The demonstrators praised the continuous development of Yemen’s military capabilities and the heroic and qualitative operations carried out by the armed forces in support of Gaza and in defense of the oppressed Palestinian people.

The crowd considered this honorable stance a source of the nation’s dignity and glory, preserving its honor in the face of Zionist and American tyranny against the nation. They affirmed that America is the head of aggression, the greatest killer of humans, and an invader of homelands.

Flags of Yemen and Palestine were raised, along with slogans and banners condemning American and British aggression and the ongoing brutal massacres and genocidal crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The crowd called on the leadership to escalate military operations and make strategic decisions and choices to deter the Zionist, American, and British enemies. They confirmed the continuation of the Yemeni position supporting and backing the Palestinian people and resistance until victory is achieved.

The crowd also praised the steadfastness and heroism of the Palestinian people and their resistance, which is writing the most magnificent heroic epics in the face of the Zionist enemy, and achieving great victories in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

The crowd condemned the international and United Nations silence and complicity, and the Arab and Islamic betrayal, in the face of the horrifying crimes and massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against the oppressed Palestinian people, including killing, siege, starvation, and violation of human dignity and sanctity.

The crowd affirmed that this silence and complicity are clear partnership in these crimes. They honored the Yemeni people for carrying the responsibility of supporting the Palestinian people and their central cause, which represents the entire nation, from their faith-based and moral commitments.

The crowd reiterated in the march that Yemen will not back down from its position and will continue its operations until the aggression on Gaza stops, the siege on the Palestinian people is lifted, and the continuation of the million-strong marches supporting and backing Palestine, and the general mobilization and rallying in various fields to support the Palestinian people and resistance.

A statement issued by the march saluted the steadfastness and firmness of the Palestinian people, expressing sincere condolences and deep sorrow and pain for the unprecedented crimes they are subjected to in human history.

The statement praised the bravery and persistence of the Palestinian people and their resistance, which represented the greatest school in heroism, manhood, and persistence in the fields of jihad, dignity, and honor.

The statement emphasized the importance of continuing activities, mass marches supporting, backing, and supporting the Palestinian people and their holy battle against the criminal Zionist entity. It pointed to the necessity of continuing military operations supporting that battle until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people is lifted.

The statement blessed the ongoing qualitative operations of the axis of jihad and resistance, and the ongoing heroic operations of the steadfast honorable people in Palestine and the Gaza Strip, which the Zionist and American enemy with all its huge arsenal, dirty tools, and criminal devices failed to stop.

The statement called on the Yemeni armed forces in all their formations to carry out more qualitative operations against the Zionist, American, and British enemies that heal the hearts of the believers, enhance their strong confidence in Allah, and achieve His promise of victory and dominance for His believing servants.

The faith-based, humanitarian, and national appeal was directed to the Arab and Islamic peoples in particular, and to all the free peoples of the world to escalate positions supporting the Palestinian people, and to pressure the regimes and governments to take firm positions, to deter the Zionist enemy from continuing to commit brutal crimes against the Palestinian people.

The statement renewed the call to boycott American and Israeli goods and the companies supporting them, and to maximize the benefit of activating this influential and available weapon for everyone as the least duty and participation in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people.

It called on all medical and health bodies, organizations, unions, and federations to quickly move to stop the horrific destruction of medical facilities and the liquidation of hundreds of doctors, health workers, and patients, and the violation of their lives with all brutality and barbarism.

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