President Al-Mashat Addresses the Saudi-led-Coalition to End Aggression, Sign and Implement the Peace Map

Calls for America and Britain to Cease Their Brutal Aggression Against the People of Gaza and Lift the Siege

In a recent address, the President of the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, reaffirmed Yemen’s unwavering stance on the events in Gaza. The president called on the United States and Britain to cease their brutal aggression against the people of Gaza and to lift the immediate siege, considering this the only gateway to the optimal solution to halt the actions of Sana’a aimed fundamentally at stopping the genocide and brutal practices against the oppressed people of Gaza.

President Al-Mashat expressed his full and renewed commitment to the path of peace, reassuring everyone that Yemen does not pose a threat to anyone. He stated that anyone who has a problem with Sana’a can solve it through dialogue.

The president also urged the leaders of the coalition to move forward towards achieving sustainable peace, ending the aggression, and signing and implementing the peace map that was reached in the negotiations sponsored by the Sultanate of Oman after a great effort and lengthy discussions.

He reiterated Sana’a’s readiness for this, expressing hope that the coalition leadership would be able to cut off the path to war merchants, especially the United States and Britain, who clearly insist on obstructing and hindering peace efforts in Yemen and the region.

He pointed out that March 26th was the beginning of the journey for a proud Yemen that relies on God, and is able to bandage its wounds by itself and to bear fruit from its experiences, accumulate its expertise, and rediscover its faith identity, which represented a source of inspiration and creativity in making the requirements and resistances of this great steadfastness.

President Al-Mashat also pointed out that everyone is concerned on this anniversary to consolidate all the principles that the martyrs of the homeland have passed on, to enhance and enrich the values and ideas that made this steadfastness, and to bear fruit all the experiences and gains that the unique experience of our people and our country has yielded over the past nine years.

Below is the letter:

Praise be to God alone, who gave victory to his servant, and strengthened his soldiers, and may blessings and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, upon his good , pure family, may God be pleased with his chosen companions and the rest of your faithful servants from this day until the Day of Judgment, as for what follows:

Dear people of Yemen – brothers and sisters:

“I greet you with the greeting of Islam wherever you are, and I renew my congratulations and blessings on the occasion of these blessed Ramadan nights in which God has honored you with the participation of your people in Palestine in the leadership of Gaza, Islam and Arabism – their great jihad and dear sacrifices that they make generously for the sake of God , in defense of the nation’s wasted honor, its sanctities and its usurped rights.

In the midst of these noble and honorable stances towards your nation, the ninth anniversary of the twenty-sixth of March comes upon us, marking the completion of nine years of your great steadfastness and beautiful patience. Jihad with God and for His sake, legitimate self-defense, and defense of the country’s sovereignty and independence.

Dear brothers and sisters:

By commemorating this day, we do not celebrate the war that was imposed on us, but rather we celebrate the decision to defend and confront as the first step on the path to restoring the Yemeni decision that was lost for many decades, we celebrate the steadfastness of our people and our country in the face of one of the fiercest aggressive wars in human history, and this steadfastness – By its environment and timing, and by the nature of the circumstances .

The surrounding environment, and the important and decisive achievements it entails in shaping the dear and promising future – is undoubtedly considered a rare , great steadfastness and deserves to be remembered and by generations, not as a show or as a way to heal wounds .

There is no need to yearn, but rather to look at this day as an annual milestone that, by its nature, provides a tremendous opportunity to be proud of the one God. Who the one is the giver of this steadfastness and its primary maker.

And through it, we get to know an exhausted Yemen that was attacked by the powerful and rich world with a fierce war and brutal aggression, while it was at the peak of its weakness, and without any justification or legitimate reason, but only because it decided to shake off the dust of decades on its shoulders. A woe of weakness and to regain a house that the dwarves sold on the sidewalk, and a country.

A dear thing that was buried by the losers and the corrupt in various forms of poverty, corruption, racism, regionalism, and shameful dependency, until the American ambassador at that time became the one managing everything, as if Yemen had no right to be a real state, as much as it should remain just a garden and a stage for the outside to meet its livestock. It has the formal or protocol name of the state while they are the ones who appoint and dismiss the country’s presidents , control its decisions, its capabilities, the dreams and aspirations of its people.

Yemen had to choose between persevering and suffering, but with a goal and a project worthy of suffering, or surrendering , suffering much more, and without any project or goal other than chronic suffering , remaining imprisoned in the grip of the oppressive outside endlessly, and without any hope.

Dear Yemeni people:

The twenty-sixth of March, despite the fact that it marked an external aggression supported by global alignment and an unjust international policy that permitted dealing with Yemen with excessive and unnecessary harshness, it was the beginning of the journey for a dear Yemen that relies on God and can in the crowd of horrors, from healing his wounds himself, and from the fruition of his experiences.

In addition, the accumulation of his experiences, and the rediscovery of his faith, which represented a source of inspiration , creativity in creating the requirements , components of this great steadfastness that we celebrate every year, by remembering honorable men from all tribes, sects, regions who rolled up their sleeves , gave generously, sacrificed, through and in processions of light, redemption for precious Yemen .

On this anniversary, we are concerned with consolidating all the principles of our dear martyrs, we are also concerned with strengthening , enriching the values , ideas that created this steadfastness, consolidating all the experiences and gains that have been brought about by the unique experience of our people our country for the past nine years.

Dear brothers and sisters:

I am satisfied with this amount of participation in the day of your steadfastness, I leave to all those who hold the pens , the leaders of politics , the media the task of completing the research , reading into the details , implications of this great national day, and I conclude with the following:

First: We thank God Almighty, the Grantor of patience and the Creator of steadfastness.

A greeting of reverence and honor to our steadfast people, with all its tribes, groups, components, to all its sons and daughters. It is extended to my lord, the leader of steadfastness, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, may God protect him, and to all distinguished scholars, academics, intellectuals, politicians, media professionals, doctors, a special greeting to our martyred and wounded heroes. To those stationed in the borders, to our prisoners behind bars, and to all members of the forces. Armed , security forces, and all other state institutions, and it is also for all partners in the struggle and steadfastness from our loyal tribes, our honorable sheikhs, all the elites , parties, all the honorable , free men and women of Yemen at home and abroad.

Second: I affirm that this steadfastness, with all the sacrifices, hopes, ambitions, and future gains that are associated with it, is the property of the entire people, today it is a trust in the neck of every Yemeni, male , female, and preserving it is a sacred mission that falls on everyone’s shoulders, we urge everyone to Promoting it to the fullest extent is an honor Yemen, which we will not neglect and will not neglect in the task of preserving and protecting it in all ways , means, and in the face of a generous people who have achieved all this steadfastness, we are always honored to be its loyal servants and loyal brothers to all its honorable sons and his daughters, regardless of their sects, backgrounds, and regions.

Third: We affirm our firm position on the events in Gaza, and we call on America and Britain to stop their brutal aggression against the people of Gaza, and to immediately lift the siege as this is the only way to the best solution to stop Sana’a’s measures, which in essence aim to stop genocide and brutal practices for the sake of the oppressed people of Gaza.

Fourth: We affirm our full and renewed keenness to move forward on the path to peace, and we reassure everyone that Yemen does not represent a danger to anyone, and that anyone who has a problem with Sana’a can solve it through dialogue , understanding, and giving priority to the language of respect, as it is the only available language to solve any problems with Sana’a.

Fifth: I call on the leaders of the coalition to move forward towards establishing sustainable peace, ending the aggression, , signing and implementing the peace map that was reached in the negotiations under the auspices of the Sultanate of Oman and after great effort and long discussions. We confirm Sana’a’s readiness for this, and we hope that the coalition leadership, for its part, will be able to cut off the war merchants and in they are led by America and Britain, which show a clear determination to obstruct and impede peace efforts in Yemen and the region.

(Long live the Republic of Yemen – Glory and eternity to the martyrs – Healing to the wounded – Freedom to the prisoners)

Peace, mercy and blessings of God.

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