The US House of Representatives votes by majority to provide military support to the Israeli enemy


Posted on April 21, 2024
Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives supported, by a majority, the United States providing military aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

In details, the House of Representatives in Congress voted by a majority of 366 votes, to 58, on a draft law to support “Israel” with aid amounting to $26.4 billion.

The Council voted by a majority of 311 votes on a draft law providing aid to Ukraine worth $60.8 billion, and by a majority of 385 votes on a draft law worth $8.12 billion, which aims to support Taiwan and strengthen the American presence in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

In addition, 360 members of the House of Representatives voted in favor of passing a bill to seize frozen Russian assets and give them to Ukraine.

The draft law also requires forcing the company that owns TikTok platform to sell the application, or ban it in the United States, in addition to imposing sanctions on the platform, and on both Iran and Hamas.


#The_Zionist_enemy #The_American_British_aggression_against_Yemen

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