Unrest Sweeps Across American Universities in Protests Supporting Gaza

Protests call for stopping the US support for the Israeli enemy

The United States is witnessing widespread protests across most of its universities. These demonstrations are primarily against the Zionist war and the genocidal war being waged by the enemy entity in Gaza.

Since its inception, the United States, often described as a racist and Nazi state, has wreaked havoc and destruction on oppressed peoples. It has practiced the most heinous forms of killing in Vietnam, Hiroshima, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and has instigated wars with its terrorist acts.

The United States, which claims to uphold freedom, human rights, and democracy, has a history steeped in blood. The massacres and genocides committed against Native Americans and enslaved Africans are just one of the many American crimes that reveal the true nature of its criminal policy under the guise of humanity.

Over its 250-year history, America has recorded the most horrific images of crime and has not hesitated to commit any crime in any country that opposes its policies. This is despite the slogans it adopts with its Western allies under the title of women’s rights, child rights, freedom, and human security.

America’s catalog is vast and wide, harking back to the genocidal crimes it committed against the Japanese people in Hiroshima, the attempted genocide in Vietnam, and its efforts to establish its roots in the region by supporting regimes that betray their people. It punishes those who stand against it and deviate from the path of blind obedience to its policies.

America did not stop at what it did in Japan, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Its colonial project continued in reshaping what is known as the New Middle East, serving the interests of global Zionism, by fueling conflicts, spreading hatred and resentment, dismantling the Arab nation, distracting peoples with marginal issues, and enabling the Zionist enemy to liquidate the Palestinian issue.

Today, America is beginning to reap the fruits of its haphazard policies, feeling the heat of the violence it has long inflicted upon the peoples of the region and the world. Its pursuit of control over the wealth and resources of the nation, its attempts to seize and plunder them through invasions and wars, and its exploitation of their capabilities and positions to serve its colonialist agenda are all coming to a head.

The protests, which have now spread to encompass the majority of American universities, are merely the beginning of a significant student revolt against the U.S. government’s policy of endorsing and backing Israel. This nation has been and continues to be implicated in numerous crimes and acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and other occupied territories. It is accused of practicing racial discrimination and maintaining a policy of double standards with respect to the Palestinian issue.

Washington’s use of the veto right against an Algerian draft resolution calling for full membership of Palestine in the United Nations reveals the falsehood of America’s claims to a two-state solution on the pre-1967 borders. This decision has been opposed by successive American administrations over the past decades, denying the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. In doing so, it has benefited from the international and Arab community’s alignment with Washington’s aggressive policy against free peoples, foremost among them the Arab Palestinian people.

America’s strategy in the Middle East is summarized in that the Zionist entity is the cornerstone of American Middle Eastern policy, and maintaining its security and dominance as a regional power is the essence of America’s policy. Dominance over the oil-rich regions in the area is an American pressure tool in international strategy. However, Washington has begun to lose its bet on the Zionist enemy entity and its allies as a result of the change in the strategic equation in the region, especially after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, which severely punished the Zionist enemy gangs, and Yemen’s entry into the “Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad” battle alongside the axis of resistance.

With its unlimited support for the Zionist enemy entity, America has provoked the peoples of the Arab and Islamic worlds, and the free people of the world. This requires Washington to review its internal and external policies, especially as the flames of anger are igniting in its own backyard through the protests witnessed by most American universities, which observers classify as the first in decades. This is a time of reckoning for US foreign policy, and the world watches with bated breath to see what will unfold.

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